Introduction: "As God the Lord of Israel Liveth"
Overture - "Help, Lord" - "The Deep Affords No. Water!"
"Lord, Bow Thine Ear to Our Pray'r!"
"Ye People, Rend Your Hearts" - "If With All Your Hearts"
"Elijah! Get Thee Hence - Elijah!"
"For He Shall Give His Angels Charge" - "Now Cherith's Brook Is Dried Up"
Sir Thomas Allen, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Anne Dawson, John Connell, Yvonne Kenny, Jean Rigby, Neville Marriner, Kim Begley, Anne Sofie von Otter
"What Have I to Do With Thee"
"As God the Lord of Sabaoth Liveth"
"Call Him Louder, for He Is a God!"
"Call Him Louder! He Heareth Not"
"Lord God of Abraham: Isaac and Israel"
"Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord"
"O Thou, Who Makest Thine Angels"
"Is Not His Word Like a Fire!"
"Woe, Woe Unto Them Who Forsake Him!"
"O Man of God, Help Thy People"
"Hear Ye: Israel" - "Thus Saith the Lord" - "I Am He That Comforteth"
"The Lord Hath Exalted Thee"
"Man of God, Now Let My Words"
"It Is Enough! O Lord, Now Take" - "See, Now He Slee- Peth"
"Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains"
"He, Watching Over Israel, Slumbers Not"
"Arise, Elijah"
"Oh Rest in the Lord, Wait Patiently for Him"
"Night Falleth Round Me! O Lord"
"Above Him Stood the Seraphim" - "Holy, Holy, Holy"
"Go Return Upon Thy Way"
"For the Mountains Shall Depart"
"Then Did Elijah the Prophet Break Forth"
"Then Shall the Righteous Shine"
"Behold, God Hath Sent Elijah the Prophet"
"But the Lord from the North Hath Raised One"
"Oh Come Ev'ryone That Thirsteth"