20th Century Fox Fanfare
The Magnificent Seven Suite ("The Magnificent Seven")
Warsaw Concerto ("Dangerous Moonlight")
Overture and Shoe Ballet ("Hobson's Choice")
Christoph Palmer, Howard Griffiths, Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt, Sir Malcolm Arnold
Willie and Maggie ("Hobson's Choice")
Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt, Howard Griffiths, Christoph Palmer, Sir Malcolm Arnold
Finale ("Hobson's Choice")
Howard Griffiths, Sir Malcolm Arnold, Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt, Christoph Palmer
John Barry
James Bond Main Theme ("James Bond")
Excerpt from "He's a Pirate" ("Pirates of the Caribbean")
Ted Ricketts, Klaus Badelt, Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt, Howard Griffiths
Theme from "Schindler's List" ("Schindler's List")
II. Allegretto ("Zardoz, Knowing & the King's Speech")
B. Herrmann
The Nightmare ("Vertigo")
Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt, Howard Griffiths, Bernhard Hermann
Bernhard Hermann
Scéne D'amour ("Vertigo")
Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt, Howard Griffiths, Bernhard Hermann
Ritt Der Walküren ("Apocalypse Now")
J. Williams
Throne Room and Finale ("Star Wars")