1. Accompagnato: Comfort Ye, My People - 2. Air: Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted
3. Chorus: And the Glory of the Lord
Recit: Thus Saith the Lord.Aria: But Who May Abide
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti, Gwynne Howell, Anne Gjevang
6. Chorus: And He Shall Purify the Sons of Levi
7. Recit: Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive 8. Aria:O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion 9. Coro
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti, Anne Gjevang, Chicago Symphony Chorus
10. Accompagnato: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth 11. Aria: The People That Walked in Darkness
12. Chorus: "For Unto Us a Child Is Born"
Recit: There Were Shepherds.Chorus: Glory to God
16. Air: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion
Then Shall the Eyes.He Shall Feed His Flock Good Tidings That Tellest
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti, Anne Gjevang, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa
Air: He Was Despised.Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne.
Anne Gjevang, Chicago Symphony Chorus, Georg Solti, Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Chorus: And With His Stripes.All We Like Sheep
Chorus: All They That See Him.Recit: He Trusted.
Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads.Recit:Unto Which.Chorus
Air: How Beautiful Are the Feet.Chorus:Their Sound
Air: Why Do the Nations.Air: Thou Shalt Break Them Them.
42. Chorus: "Hallelujah"
43. Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
44. Chorus: Since By Man Came Death
Behold, I Tell You.The Trumpet Shall Sound
Recitativo: Then Shall Be Brought - Duet: O Death Were Is Thy Sting - Chorus: But Thanks Be to God
Georg Solti, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Anne Gjevang, Keith Lewis
51. Worthy Is the Lamb - Blessing and Honour -