in the forest (Four Young Trees, Two Wild Geese, Semi-Chorus of Old Trees, Chorus)
Richard Hickox, Terry Edwards, Covent Garden, Pamela Helen Stephen, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Leah-Marian Jones, Lillian Watson
First Ballad Interlude (Narrator)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Peter Coleman-Wright, Covent Garden, Richard Hickox
Bunyan's Greeting (Voice of Paul Bunyan)
Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox, Kenneth Cranham
Call of Lumberjacks (Lumberjacks' Chorus)
Terry Edwards, Richard Hickox, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Lumberjacks' Chorus (Three Lumberjacks, Lumberjacks' Chorus)
Jonathan Fisher, Terry Edwards, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, John Winfield, Christopher Keyte, Richard Hickox
Bunyan's Welcome (Paul Bunyan)
Richard Hickox, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Kenneth Cranham, Covent Garden
Quartet of Swedes (Andy Anderson, Pete Peterson, Jen Jenson, Cross Crosshaulson, Paul Bunyan,
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox, Jonathan Coad, Neil Griffifths, Covent Garden, Kenneth Cranham, Neil Gillespie, Christopher Lackner
Western Union Boy's Song (Western Union Boy, Paul Bunyan, Hel Helson, Sam Sharkey, Ben Benny,
Timothy Robinson, Henry Moss, Kenneth Cranham, Covent Garden, Jeremy White, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Graeme Broadbent, Richard Hickox
Cooks' Duet (Sam Sharkey, Ben Benny, Inkslinger, Paul Bunyan, Chorus)
Kenneth Cranham, Timothy Robinson, Kurt Streit, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Graeme Broadbent, Terry Edwards, Covent Garden, Richard Hickox
Animal Trio (Fido, Moppet, Poppet)
Pamela Helen Stephen, Leah-Marian Jones, Lillian Watson, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Richard Hickox
Bunyan's Goodnight (Paul Bunyan)
Richard Hickox, Kenneth Cranham, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Exit of Lumberjacks (Lumberjacks' Chorus)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Terry Edwards, Richard Hickox, Covent Garden
The Blues - Quartet of the Defeated (Paul Bunyan, The Defeated, Inkslinger)
Kenneth Cranham, Peter Coleman-Wright, Timothy Robinson, Kurt Streit, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Leah-Marian Jones, Jeremy White, Richard Hickox
Bunyan's Goodnight (Paul Bunyan) [II]
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Kenneth Cranham, Richard Hickox
Second Ballad Interlude (Narrator, Inkslinger, Chorus)
Kurt Streit, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Peter Coleman-Wright, Covent Garden, Terry Edwards, Richard Hickox
Food Chorus (Inkslinger, Sam Sharkey, Ben Benny, Chorus)
Richard Hickox, Terry Edwards, Kurt Streit, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Graeme Broadbent, Timothy Robinson, Covent Garden
Chorus Accusation (Cross, Inkslinger, Jen, Pete, Andy, Chorus)
Richard Hickox, Jonathan Coad, Neil Gillespie, Kurt Streit, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Neil Griffifths, Covent Garden, Christopher Lackner
Slim's Song (Slim, Inkslinger, Fido, Moppet, Poppet, Chorus)
Kurt Streit, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Timothy Robinson, Pamela Helen Stephen, Leah-Marian Jones, Lillian Watson, Covent Garden, Richard Hickox
Bunyan's Return (Chorus)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Terry Edwards, Richard Hickox
Inkslinger's Song (Inkslinger)
Covent Garden, Kurt Streit, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox
Entrance of Chorus (Pete, Andy, Jen, Cross, John)
Neil Gillespie, Roderick Earle, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Jonathan Coad, Neil Griffifths, Covent Garden, Richard Hickox, Christopher Lackner
Tiny's Entrance (Ben, Sam, Cross, Andy, John)
Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox, Timothy Robinson, Graeme Broadbent, Neil Gillespie, Roderick Earle, Jonathan Coad
Tiny's Song (Tiny, Inkslinger, Slim, Chorus)
Inkslinger's Regret (Inkslinger, Voice of Paul Bunyan, Chorus)
Covent Garden, Kenneth Cranham, Terry Edwards, Kurt Streit, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox
Bunyan's Goodnight (Voice of Paul Bunyan)
Richard Hickox, Covent Garden, Kenneth Cranham, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Bunyan's Good Morning (Voice of Paul Bunyan)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox, Kenneth Cranham, Covent Garden
Shears's Song (John Shears, Farmer's Chorus, Paul Bunyan, Hel Helson)
Terry Edwards, Jeremy White, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Kenneth Cranham, Roderick Earle, Covent Garden, Richard Hickox
Bunyan's Warning (Paul Bunyan)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Kenneth Cranham, Richard Hickox
Farmers' Song (John Shears, Chorus)
Covent Garden, Terry Edwards, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox, Roderick Earle
Farmers' Exit (Hel Helson, Cronies)
Jeremy White, Donaldson Bell, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Bryan Secombe, Covent Garden, Richard Hickox, Wyndham Parfitt, Richard Hazell
The Mocking of Hel Helson (Hel Helson, Heron, Moon, Wind, Beetle, Squirrel, Fido, Chorus)
Lillian Watson, Covent Garden, Jeremy White, Terry Edwards, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox
Fido's Sympathy (Fido)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Lillian Watson, Covent Garden, Richard Hickox
Cats' Creed (Moppet, Poppet, Voice of Paul Bunyan, Cronies, Hel Helson)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Jeremy White, Leah-Marian Jones, Richard Hazell, Pamela Helen Stephen, Donaldson Bell, Kenneth Cranham, Richard Hickox, Covent Garden
Love Duet (Tiny, Slim, Chorus)
Timothy Robinson, Covent Garden, Susan Gritton, Terry Edwards, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox
Mock Funeral March (Hel Helson, Paul Bunyan, Cronies, Chorus)
Bryan Secombe, Wyndham Parfitt, Richard Hazell, Jeremy White, Kenneth Cranham, Donaldson Bell, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox
Hymn (Paul Bunyan, Hel Helson, Tiny, Slim, Chorus)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox, Covent Garden, Susan Gritton, Terry Edwards, Jeremy White, Kenneth Cranham, Timothy Robinson
Third Ballad Interlude (Narrator)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Peter Coleman-Wright, Richard Hickox
The Christmas Party (Fido, Moppet, Poppet, Inkslinger, John Shears, Western Union Boy, Chorus
Pamela Helen Stephen, Covent Garden, Henry Moss, Kurt Streit, Roderick Earle, Leah-Marian Jones, Lillian Watson, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Richard Hickox
Bunyan's Farewell (Voice of Paul Bunyan)
Kenneth Cranham, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Richard Hickox
Litany (Fido, Moppet, Poppet, Tiny, Slim, Paul Bunyan, Hel Helson, Inkslinger, Chorus)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Susan Gritton, Pamela Helen Stephen, Kenneth Cranham, Richard Hickox, Timothy Robinson, Leah-Marian Jones, Lillian Watson