No. 1, Watchmen, Alert! (Chorus) –
No. 2, Watchmen, Alert! the King Is Here (Caractacus/Sentries) –
No. 3, Father! Sire and King (Eigen/Caractacus/Orbin/Sentries) –
No. 4, At Eve to the Greenwood (Eigen) –
No. 5, On the Ocean and the River (Eigen/Orbin/Caractacus) –
No. 6, Rest, Weary Monarch (Spirits of the Hill)
No. 1, Tread the Mystic Circle Round (Arch-Druid/Druids/Druid Maidens) –
No. 2, Invocation. Lord of Dread, and Lord of Pow'r (Chorus/Arch-Druid) –
No. 3, Bard, What Read Ye? (Arch-Druid/Orbin/Caractacus/Druids/Druid Maidens) –
No. 4, Leap, Leap to Light (Caractacus/Soldiers/Orbin/Arch-Druid) –
No. 5, Hence, Ere the Druid's Wrath Is Woke (Druids/Druid Maidens/Orbin/Soldiers)
No. 2, Come! Beneath Our Woodland Bow'rs (Youths/Maidens) –
No. 3, O'er-arch'd by Leaves (Eigen/Orbin) –
No. 4, Last Night Beneath the Sacred Oak (Orbin) –
No. 5, Come! Beneath Our Woodland Bow'rs – They Gather the Wreaths (Youths/Maidens/Orbin/Eigen)
No. 1, Wild Rumours Shake Our Calm Retreat (Maidens) –
No. 2, When the Glow of the Evening (Eigen/Maidens) –
No. 3, We Were Gather'd by the River (Soldiers) –
No. 4, Lament. O My Warriors (Caractacus/Chorus)
No. 5, Captive Britons, See Them! (A Bard/Druid Maidens) –
No. 1, Processional Music. The March Triumphal Thunders (Chorus)
No. 3, Heap Torment upon Torment (Caractacus/Eigen/Orbin) –
No. 4, Slay, Slay the Briton! (Roman Citizens/Claudius) –
No. 5, I Plead Not for Myself (Caractacus/Orbin/Eigen/Roman Citizens/Claudius) –
No. 6, Grace from the Roman! (Eigen/Orbin/Caractacus/Claudius) –
No. 7, The Clang of Arms Is Over (Chorus)