Sinfonia. Allegro - Larghetto
Chorus. "How Excellent Thy Name, Oh Lord" (Israelites)
Aria. "An Infant Rais'd by Thy Command" (Soprano)
Chorus. "Along the Monster Atheist Strode" (Israelites)
Chorus. "The Youth Inspired by Thee, Oh Lord" (Israelites)
Recitative. "He Comes, he Comes!" (Michal)
Recitative. "Behold, Oh King" (Abner, Saul, David)
Aria. "Oh King, Your Favours with Delight" (David)
Aria. "What Abject Thoughts a Prince Can Have!" (Merab)
Recitative. "Yet Think, on Whom This Honour You Bestow" (Merab)
Aria. "Birth and Fortune I Despise" (Jonathan)
Recitative. "Thou, Merab, First in Birth" (Saul, Merab)
Aria. "My Soul Rejects the Thought with Scorn" (Merab)
Aria. "See, See, with a Scournful Air" (Michal)
Recitative. "Already See the Daughters of the Land" (Michal)
Chorus. "Welcome, Welcome, Mighty King!" (Israelites)
Accompagnato. "What Do I Hear?" (Saul)
Chorus. "David His Ten Thousands Slew" (Israelites)
Accompagnato. "To Him Ten Thousands" (Saul)
Aria. "With Rage I Shall Burst" (Saul)
Recitative. "Imprudent Women !" (Jonathan, Michal)
Aria. "Fell Rage and Black Despair Posses'd" (Michal)
Recitative. "Racked with Infernal Pains" (Abner)
Aria. "O Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless" (David)
Thelma Owen
Aria. "A Serpent, in My Bosom Warmed" (Saul)
Recitative. "Has He Escaped My Rage?" (Saul)
Aria. "Capricious Man, in Humour Lost" (Merab)
Accompagnato. "Oh Filial Piety!" (Jonathan)
Aria. "No, No Cruel Father, No!" (Jonathan)
Chorus. "Preserve Him for the Glory of Thy Name" (Israelites)
Chorus. "Envy! Eldest Born of Hell!" (Israelites)
Recitative. "Ah! Dearest Friend" (Jonathan)
Aria. "But Sooner Jordan's Stream" (Jonathan)
Recitative. "Oh Strange Vicissitude" (David, Jonathan)
Aria. "Such Haughty Beauties Rather Move" (David)
Recitative. "Hast Thou Obey'd My Orders" (Saul, Jonathan)
Aria. "Sin Not, Oh King, Against the Youth" (Jonathan)
Aria. "As Great Jehovah Lives" (Saul)
Recitative. "Appear, My Friend" (Jonathan, Saul)
Recitative. "Yes, He Shall Wed My Daughter" (Saul)
Recitative. "A Father's Will Has Authorized My Love" (Michal)
Duet. "Oh Fairest of Ten Thousand Fair" (Michal, David)
Chorus. "Is There a Man?" (Israelites)
Recitative. "Thy Father Is as Cruel..." (David)
Duet. "At Persecution I Can Laugh" (David, Michal)
Recitative. "Whom Dost Thou Seek?" (Michal, Doeg)
Margaret Marshall, Sir Philip Ledger, Gareth Morrell, English Chamber Orchestra
Aria. "No, No Let the Guilty Tremble" (Michal)
Accompagnato. "The Time at Length Is Come" (Saul)
Recitative. "Where Is the Son of Jesse?" (Saul, Jonathan)
Chorus. "O Fatal Consequence" (Israelites)
Accompagnato. "Wretch That I am!" (Saul)
Recitative. "Tis Said, Here Lives a Woman" (Saul)
Recitative. "With Me What Would'st Thou?" (Witch, Saul)
Accompagnato. "Why Hast Thou Forced Me" (Samuel, Saul)
Recitative. "Whence Comst Thou?" (David, An Amalekite)
Chorus. "Mourn, Israel" (Israelites)
Aria. "Oh Let Is Not in Gath Beheard" (High Priest)
Chorus. "Eagles Were Not so Swift as They Lived" (Israelites)
Aria. "In Sweetest Harmony" (Michal)
Solo and Chorus. "Oh Fatal Day!" (David, Israelites)
Recitative. "Ye Men of Judah, Weep No More" (Abner)
Chorus. "Gird on Thy Sword" (Israelites)