Act 1 Scene 1: "The youth inspir'd by Thee, oh Lord" - "How excellent thy name, oh Lord"
Act 1 Scene 2: "Behold, oh King, the brave, victorious youth"
Act 1 Scene 2: "What abject thoughts a prince can have!" - Yet think, on whom this honour you bestow"
Act 1 Scene 2: "See, with what a scornful air" - "Ah! Lovely youth"
Act 1 Scene 3: "What do I hear?" - "David his ten thousands slew" / "To him ten thousands!" / "With rage I. shall burst his praises to hear"
Act 1 Scene 4: "Imprudent women!" - "Fell rage and black despair possess'd"
Act 1 Scene 5: "A serpent, in my bosom warm'd" - "Has he escap'd my rage"
Act 1 Scene 6: "Oh filial piety!" - "No, cruel father, no!"
Act 1 Scene 6: "Preserve him for the glory of the name"
Act 2 Scene 2: "Ah! Dearest friend" - "But sooner Jordan's stream: I. swear" / "My father somes"
Act 2 Scene 3 : "Hast thou obey'd my orders" - "Sin not, oh king, against the youth"
Act 2 Scene 6: "Thy father is as cruel" - "At persecution I can laugh"
Act 2 Scene 7: "Whom dost thou seek?" - "No, no, let the guilty tremble"
Act 3 Scene 1: "Wretch that I. am" / "t is said, here lives a woman"
Act 3 Scene 2: "With me what wouldst thou?" / "Infernal spirits"
Act 3 Scene 4: "Whence comst thou?" - "Impious wretch, of race accurst"
Act 3 Scene 5: "O let it not in Gath be heard" - "From this unhappy day"