Your Harps and Cymbals Sound
Thou Fair Inhabitant
Welcome as the Dawn of Day
Indulge Thy Faith and Wedded Truth
Millenium Orchestra, Matthew Newlin, Leonardo García Alarcón, Andreas Wolf
When Thou Art Absent From My Sight
With Thee Th' Unsheltere'd Moor I'd Tread
May No Rash Intruder Disturb Their Soft Hours
What Says the Other
Israel, Attend To What Your King Shall Say
Thrice Bless'd Be the King
From Arabia's Spicy Shores
Music, Spread Thy Voice Around
Now A Diff'rent Measure Try
Draw the Tear From Hopeless Love
Thus Rolling Surges Rise
How Green Our Fertile Pastures Look
Ev'ry Joy That Wisdom Knows