Prophetarum presignata
Nowel syng we bothe al and som
Alma Redemptoris Mater
The Shepherd's Star
Newell - Tydings trew
Mervele noght Iosep
Synge we to this mery cumpane
Qui creavit celum ("Song of the Nuns of Chester")
William Knapp
Now may we syngyn
Lullay my child - This ender nithgt
Star in the East
Veni redemptor gencium
The Cherry Tree Carol
Salve mater misericordie
Hail Mary, Full of Grace
- Robina G. YoungProducer
- Bradley MichelEditing Engineer
- Karin ElsenerGraphic Design
- Christian SteinerPhotography
- Mark KwiatekPhotography
- Susan HellauerLiner Notes
- Marsha GenenskyLiner Notes