Steve Reich on Jacob’s Ladder
II. Vayachalom (And he dreamed)
III. V'hinei, sulam mutzav artza (And behold, a ladder set up on the Earth)
IV. V'rosho magia hashamayima (And its top reached heaven)
V. V'hinei, malachei Elokim olim v’yordim bo (And behold, messengers of G-d ascending and descending on it)
Steve Reich on Traveler’s Prayer
Steve Reich on Music for 18 Musicians
Section I
Section II
Section IIIA
Section IIIB
Section IV
Section V
Section VI
Section VII
Section VIII
Section IX
Section X
Section XI
Pulses II
Steve Reich on Proverb
Steve Reich on Different Trains
America—Before the war
Europe—During the war
After the war
Steve Reich on Electric Counterpoint
I. Fast
II. Slow
Steve Reich on Tehillim
Select a country or region

Africa, Middle East, and India

Asia Pacific


Latin America and the Caribbean

The United States and Canada