Pull, My Bantams!
The Ambrosian Singers, Nigel Rogers, Eric Garrett, Delme Bryn-Jones, Norman Lumsden, Robert Bowman, David Bowman, Bryan Drake, Robert Tear, Wandsworth School Boys' Choir, London Symphony Orchestra
Guard Boat! Indomitable!
David Kelly, Delme Bryn-Jones, London Symphony Orchestra, Nigel Rogers, John Shirley-Quirk, Wandsworth School Boys' Choir, Michael Langdon, Bryan Drake, Benjamin Britten
First Man Forward!
London Symphony Orchestra, Bryan Drake, Michael Langdon, John Shirley-Quirk, Geoffrey Coleby, Gregory Dempsey, Benjamin Britten
Your Name? Billy Budd, Sir
Billy Budd, King of the Birds!
The Ambrosian Singers, John Shirley-Quirk, David Kelly, London Symphony Orchestra, Bryan Drake, Michael Langdon, Peter Glossop, Benjamin Britten
I Heard, Your Honour!
London Symphony Orchestra, Michael Langdon, Robert Bowman, Henry Bush, Benjamin Britten
Come Along Kid! Come Along!
Christ, the Poor Chap!
David Bowman, Gregory Dempsey, Peter Glossop, London Symphony Orchestra, Owen Brannigan, Benjamin Britten
What's That? What's Those Whistles?
Peter Glossop, Delme Bryn-Jones, Eric Garrett, David Bowman, Michael Langdon, Norman Lumsden, London Symphony Orchestra, Owen Brannigan, Benjamin Britten
Starry Vere We Call Him
Peter Glossop, Gregory Dempsey, David Bowman, London Symphony Orchestra, Delme Bryn-Jones, The Ambrosian Singers, Owen Brannigan, Benjamin Britten
Boy! My Compliments to Mr. Redburn
Gentlemen, the King!
Sir Peter Pears, London Symphony Orchestra, Bryan Drake, John Shirley-Quirk, Benjamin Britten
Ay, At Spithead the Men May Have Had Their Grievances
We Are, Sir. Claggart Is an Able One
Sir Peter Pears, David Kelly, London Symphony Orchestra, Bryan Drake, The Ambrosian Singers, John Shirley-Quirk, Henry Bush, Benjamin Britten
We're Off to Samoa By Way of Genoa
Gregory Dempsey, Peter Glossop, David Bowman, The Ambrosian Singers, Owen Brannigan, London Symphony Orchestra, Benjamin Britten
Hi! You a.a.a.
Gregory Dempsey, Robert Bowman, Michael Langdon, London Symphony Orchestra, David Bowman, James Newby, The Ambrosian Singers, Owen Brannigan, Peter Glossop, Benjamin Britten
Over the Water.Handsomely Done
Come Here. Remember Your Promise
Dansker, Old Friend, Glad to See You
I Dont Like the Look of the Mist
With Great Regret I Must Disturb Your Honour
Deck Ahoy! Enemy Sail On Starboard Bow
David Kelly, Delme Bryn-Jones, London Symphony Orchestra, The Ambrosian Singers, Nigel Rogers, John Shirley-Quirk, Wandsworth School Boys' Choir, Bryan Drake, Benjamin Britten
Who'll Volunteer to Board 'Em
Bryan Drake, Peter Glossop, Gregory Dempsey, David Bowman, John Shirley-Quirk, Owen Brannigan, London Symphony Orchestra, Sir Peter Pears, Benjamin Britten
There You Are Again, Master-At-Arms
O This Cursed Mist
Sir Peter Pears, David Kelly, London Symphony Orchestra, Bryan Drake, John Shirley-Quirk, Benjamin Britten
Claggart, John Claggart, Beware!
Master-At-Arms and Foretopman
God O' Mercy! Here, Help Me!
Gentlemen, William Budd Here Has Killed
Sir Peter Pears, David Kelly, London Symphony Orchestra, Bryan Drake, John Shirley-Quirk, Benjamin Britten
William Budd, You Are Accused By Captain Vere
Poor Fellow, Who Could Save Him?
David Kelly, London Symphony Orchestra, Bryan Drake, Sir Peter Pears, John Shirley-Quirk, Benjamin Britten
Here! Baby! Dansker, Old Friend
According to the Articles of War
Down All Hands! And See That They Go
London Symphony Orchestra, Bryan Drake, John Shirley-Quirk, David Kelly, Benjamin Britten
- John MordlerProducer
- John CulshawProducer
- David HarveyAssistant Producer
- John MordlerRecording Engineer
- Gordon ParryRecording Engineer, Balance Engineer
- John CulshawRecording Engineer
- Kenneth WilkinsonRecording Engineer