C. Wood: O Captain! My Captain
C. Wood: The Sailor Man
C. Wood: Birds
C. Wood: The Blackberry Blossom
C. Wood: Oh! Skylark, for thy wing!
C. Wood: The Ride of the Witch
C. Wood: The Enchanted Valley
C. Wood: Fortune and her Wheel
C. Wood: Over here
C. Wood: Ethiopia Saluting the Colours
C. Wood: I’d roam the world over with you
C. Wood: Darest Thou Now, O Soul
C. Wood: Denny’s Daughter
C. Wood: Beside the River Loune
C. Wood: By the bivouac’s fitful flame
C. Wood: O love, ’tis a calm starry night
C. Wood: At the mid hour of night
C. Wood: At Sea
C. Wood: Shall I forget
C. Wood: The Outlaw of Loch Lene
C. Wood: Credhe’s Lament for Cail
C. Wood: Ask me no more
C. Wood: To Music
On This Album
Carolyn Dobbin
- Paul BaxterProducer
- Paul BaxterMastering Engineer
- Jack DavisEditing Engineer