Johannes Pramsohler on the Theme

Georges Barthel
Johannes Pramsohler on the Ricercar a 3
Johannes Pramsohler on the Canon Perpetuus Super Thema Regium
Johannes Pramsohler on the Canon a 2 Cancrizans
Johannes Pramsohler on the Canon a 2 Violini in Unisono
Johannes Pramsohler on the Canon a 2 per Motum contrarium
Johannes Pramsohler on the Canon a 2 per Augmentationem, contrario Motu
Johannes Pramsohler on the Canon a 2 per Tonos
Johannes Pramsohler on the Fuga canonica in Epidiapente
Johannes Pramsohler on the Ricercar a 6
Johannes Pramsohler on the Canon a 2 & Canon a 4

Canon a 2
Gulrim Choï, Roldán Bernabé
Johannes Pramsohler on the Canon perpetuus
Johannes Pramsohler on the Sonata sopr'il Soggetto Reale