Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams
Scene 1: Air accompagné “Mirthes fleuris, naissant feuillage”
Scene 2: Récitatif “Vous nous cachez l’objet”
Scene 3: Air accompagné “Tendre Amour!” (Chloé
Scene 4: Récitatif “Ciel, c’est Batile... Hélas!” – Ariette: “Des Zéphyrs, que Flore rappelle” – Récitatif: “Dieux! vous pleurez!”
Anna Dennis, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Agustin Prunell-Friend
Scene 4: Air accompagné “Mille fleurs parfument les airs” – Récitatif: “Dieux ! ces chants ne sont pas pour moi”
Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Anna Dennis, Agustin Prunell-Friend
Scene 5: Air accompagné avec chœur “Régnez"
The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Matthew Brook
Scene 5: Airs Vifs 1 & 2 pour les jeunes Théoniens et Théoniennes
The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Scene 5: Air accompagné “Des caprices du sort”
Scene 5: Air pour les jeunes
The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Scene 5: Récitatif “C’est lorsque vous chantez”
Agustin Prunell-Friend, Anna Dennis, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Matthew Brook
Scene 5: Ariette “Qu’Anacréon dans ce séjour”
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Agustin Prunell-Friend
Scene 6: Air pour les Bacchantes
The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Scene 6: Gavottes 1 & 2 pour les Égipans et les Bacchantes
The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Scene 6: Ariette “Quand l’Amour enflamme nos cœurs”
Scene 6: Pantomime pour Silène et deux Bacchantes
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams
Scene 6: Airs 1 & 2 pour Silène et deux Bacchantes
The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Scene 6: Ariette “L’Amour, riant et sans bandeau”
Scene 6: Tambourins 1 & 2
The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Scene 6: Trio “Chantons Bacchus”
Anna Dennis, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Matthew Brook, Agustin Prunell-Friend
Scene 6: Chœur “Chantons Bacchus”
Agustin Prunell-Friend, Anna Dennis, The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Matthew Brook, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Scene 6: Contredanse
The Choir of the Enlightenment, Jonathan Williams, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment