Quel jour serein le ciel (Live)
Accours dans ma nacelle (Live)
Dawn Kotoski, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Mathias Zachariassen, Thomas Hampson, Mihaela Ungureanu, Fabio Luisi
On entend des montagnes (Live)
Giuseppe Sabbatini, Fabio Luisi, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Mihaela Ungureanu, Mathias Zachariassen, Dawn Kotoski, Thomas Hampson
Pasteurs que vos accens (Live)
Mathias Zachariassen, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Dawn Kotoski, Walter Fink, Giuseppe Sabbatini, Fabio Luisi, Thomas Hampson, Mihaela Ungureanu
Pres des torrens qui grondent (Live)
Fabio Luisi, Dawn Kotoski, Giuseppe Sabbatini, Mathias Zachariassen, Walter Fink, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Thomas Hampson, Mihaela Ungureanu
Contre les feus du jour (Live)
Gesier est la (Live)
Sur nos tetes le soleil brille (Live)
Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Giuseppe Sabbatini, Mathias Zachariassen, Dawn Kotoski, Fabio Luisi, Walter Fink, Thomas Hampson, Mihaela Ungureanu
Encor Gesier! (Live)
Dawn Kotoski, Giuseppe Sabbatini, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Fabio Luisi, Thomas Hampson, Mihaela Ungureanu
Goire, Honneur au fils de Tell (Live)
Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Fabio Luisi, Dawn Kotoski, Mihaela Ungureanu
Pale et tremblant, se soutenant a peine (Live)
Yu Cheng, Mathias Zachariassen, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Thomas Hampson, Dawn Kotoski, Fabio Luisi, Mihaela Ungureanu
Dieu de bonte (Live)
Mathias Zachariassen, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Fabio Luisi, John Dickie, Mihaela Ungureanu, Walter Fink, Dawn Kotoski
Comme lui nous audrions du faire (Live)
Mathias Zachariassen, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Fabio Luisi, John Dickie, Walter Fink, Dawn Kotoski, Mihaela Ungureanu
Sombre foret, desert triste (Live)
Ma presence pour vous (Live)
Oui, vous l'arrachez a mon ame (Live)
On vient, separons nous (Live)
Quand l'Helvetle est un champ (Live)
Wojtek Smilek, Fabio Luisi, Thomas Hampson, Giuseppe Sabbatini, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera
Des prfondeurs du bois immens (Live)
Arnold, d'ou nait ce desespoir? (Live)
Quel bruit arrive a mon oreille? (Live)
Vainement dans son insolence (Live)
Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Fabio Luisi, Egils Silins, John Dickie, Dawn Kotoski, Thomas Hampson
Regoins ta mere (Live)
Egils Silins, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Thomas Hampson, Fabio Luisi
Jete benis en repandant des larmes (Live)
Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Dawn Kotoski, Egils Silins, Fabio Luisi, Thomas Hampson
Soir immobile et vers la terre (Live)
Victoire, victoire! Sa vie est sauvee (Live)
Ou vas-tu? La douleur t'egare (Live)
Fabio Luisi, Nancy Gustafson, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Chorus of the Vienna State Opera, Dawn Kotoski, Mihaela Ungureanu
Suivez moi! (Live)
Fabio Luisi, Wojtek Smilek, Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera, Dawn Kotoski, Mihaela Ungureanu, Egils Silins, Nancy Gustafson, Yu Cheng, Thomas Hampson