Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound!
Total Eclipse! No. Sun, No. Moon!
Oh First Created Beam!
Thy Glorious Deeds Inspir'd My Tongue
Why Does the God of lsrael Sleep?
Return, O God of Hosts
My Faith and Truth
Traitor to Love! I'll Sue No. More
Honour and Arms Scorn Such a Foe
With Thee! A Man Condemn'd
Go, Baffled Coward, Go
Hear, Jacob's God, Jehovah, Hear!
To Song and Dance We Give the Day
More Trouble Is Behind
Reflect Then, Samson
With Thunder Arm'd, Great God, Arise!
Thus When the Sun from's Wat'ry Bed
With Might Endued Above the Sons of Men
The Holy One of Israel Be Thy Guide
Great Dagon Has Subdu'd Our Foe
How Willing My Paternal Love
Ye Sons of Israel, Now Lament
Glorious Hero, May Thy Grave Peace
Let the Bright Seraphim in Burning Row