Up with the banner
Richard Bonynge, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir
A soldier's life
Richard Bonynge, Michael Grennell, Jonathan Summers, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, Patrick Power
'Tis sad to leave our fatherland
Patrick Power, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Richard Bonynge
in the gipsy's life you read
Michael Grennell, Brendan O'Duill, Kate Minogue, Richard Bonynge, Lawrence Foster, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland
Comrade, your hand
Patrick Power, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Richard Bonynge, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, John del Carlo
What means this alarm?
Richard Bonynge, Lawrence Foster, Brendan O'Duill, Michael Grennell, David Reardon, Conor Farrington, Kate Minogue, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland
Richard Bonynge, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Conor Farrington, Michael Grennell, David Reardon
Down with the daring slave
Richard Bonynge, John del Carlo, Tim German, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Patrick Power, Jonathan Summers
What sounds break on the ear?
Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Richard Bonynge, Tim German, Jonathan Summers
Silence! Silence! The lady moon
John del Carlo, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, Richard Bonynge, Tim German, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Bernadette Cullen, Patrick Power
I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls
Richard Bonynge, Michael Grennell, Nova Thomas, Cathryn Brennan, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland
The wound upon thine arm
RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Richard Bonynge, Patrick Power, Nova Thomas
What is the spell hath yet effaced
Richard Bonynge, Barbara McCaughey, Nova Thomas, Patrick Power, Cathryn Brennan, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland
Listen, while I relate the hope of a gipsy's fate
Nova Thomas, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, Lawrence Foster, Patrick Power, Barbara McCaughey, Richard Bonynge, John del Carlo, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland
In the gipsy's life you read
Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Richard Bonynge
'Tis gone - The past was all a dream
RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Bernadette Cullen, Richard Bonynge
This is thy deed
RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Bernadette Cullen, Richard Bonynge, John del Carlo
In the gipsies' life . . Come with the gipsy bride
Nova Thomas, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Richard Bonynge
Life itself is at the best
Bernadette Cullen, Patrick Power, John del Carlo, Richard Bonynge, Nova Thomas, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland
My dear uncle, it delights me to see you
RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Michael Grennell, Barbara McCaughey, Richard Bonynge, Conor Farrington, Cathryn Brennan, David Reardon
Whate'er the scenes . . The heart bow'd down
Lawrence Foster, Conor Farrington, Cathryn Brennan, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, David Reardon, Richard Bonynge, Jonathan Summers
Hold! Hold!
Jonathan Summers, Nova Thomas, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Patrick Power, Tim German, Richard Bonynge, John del Carlo
Introduction. The past appears to me but a dream
Michael Grennell, Cathryn Brennan, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, David Reardon, Conor Farrington, Richard Bonynge, Lawrence Foster, Brendan O'Duill
When other lips and other hearts
RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Michael Grennell, Cathryn Brennan, Patrick Power, Richard Bonynge
Through the whole world wilt thou fly, love
Richard Bonynge, Patrick Power, John del Carlo, Nova Thomas, Conor Farrington, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland
Welcome the present
Nova Thomas, Tim German, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Bernadette Cullen, Jonathan Summers, Richard Bonynge
Though every hope be fled
Nova Thomas, Patrick Power, Tim German, Richard Bonynge, Jonathan Summers, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Bernadette Cullen
See at your feet a suppliant one
Richard Bonynge, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Jonathan Summers, Patrick Power, Nova Thomas
When the fair land of Poland
Patrick Power, Richard Bonynge, Jonathan Summers, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland
Let not the soul for sorrows grieve
Conor Farrington, Richard Bonynge, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Jonathan Summers, Nova Thomas, Patrick Power
Oh! What full delight
Nova Thomas, Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, Richard Bonynge