I. We praise thee, O God
The London Handel Orchestra, Adrian Butterfield, London Handel Orchestra & Soloists
II. All the Earth
London Handel Orchestra & Soloists, The London Handel Orchestra, Adrian Butterfield
III. The glorious company
Adrian Butterfield, London Handel Orchestra & Soloists, The London Handel Orchestra
IV. Thou art the King
Adrian Butterfield, The London Handel Orchestra, London Handel Orchestra & Soloists
V. When thou tookest
The London Handel Orchestra, Adrian Butterfield, London Handel Orchestra & Soloists
VI. When thou hadst overcome
London Handel Orchestra & Soloists, The London Handel Orchestra, Adrian Butterfield
VII. Thou sittest at the right hand
London Handel Orchestra & Soloists, The London Handel Orchestra, Adrian Butterfield
VIII. We believe that thou shalt come
London Handel Orchestra & Soloists, The London Handel Orchestra, Adrian Butterfield
X. And we worship thy name
London Handel Orchestra & Soloists, Adrian Butterfield, The London Handel Orchestra
XI. Vouchsafe, O Lord
The London Handel Orchestra, London Handel Orchestra & Soloists, Adrian Butterfield
XII. O Lord, in thee have I trusted
Adrian Butterfield, London Handel Orchestra & Soloists, The London Handel Orchestra