Myra Huang
in a Great Forest, in a Land Far, Far Away
Trudie Styler
Not Far from the Forest, in a Neighboring Kingdom
Trudie Styler
Knowing That Prince Lelio Cannot Risk Being Seen
Trudie Styler
Alone and Frustrated, Krakamiche Laments His Lost Powers
Trudie Styler
Stella Overhears Krakamiche Bellowing
Trudie Styler
Coulez, coulez, gouttes fines
Camille Zamora, Myra Huang
The Fairy Queen Appears Again
Trudie Styler
Krakamiche's Hapless Servant Perlimpinpin Sings with Longing of His Glory Days
Trudie Styler
A Triumphant March Announces the Arrival of the Cochinese Dignitaries
Trudie Styler
Myra Huang
Krakamiche Is Eager to Try the Magic Moly Herb That Will Restore His Power
Trudie Styler
Exhausted and Half-Dead from His Mad Dance, Krakamiche Escapes into His Hut
Trudie Styler
The Following Afternoon, Lelio Counts the Minutes Until Nightfall
Trudie Styler
Inside the Cramped Hut, Krakamiche and Stella Sit Together
Trudie Styler
Myra Huang
Stella Asks Krakamiche to Rest and Forget the Insult Inflicted upon Him by the Fairies
Trudie Styler
As Krakamiche Continues His Search for the Missing, All-Powerful Spell
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Lelio Approaches, Assuring Stella That She Need Not Fear Her Father's Wrath
Trudie Styler
Having Confessed His Feelings, Lelio Kneels Before Stella
Trudie Styler
Instead of a Monster, Krakamiche's Spell Brings Forth from the Earth a Little Goat
Trudie Styler
A Wedding March Is Heard, and the Young Couple Bid a Grateful Farewell
Trudie Styler
Krakamiche, Perlimpinpin, Lelio, and Stella Set Off for the Neighboring Kingdom
Trudie Styler
Salut! Salut! O forêt bien aimée
Michelle Oesterle, Manhattan Girls Chorus, Sarah Brailey, Myra Huang