"Bientot elle arrive" (Young Man, Adolescent, Old Man, Chorus of 12 Men)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Alexander Oliver, Nicole Tibbels, Sandra Browne, Andrew Litton
"Il parait, chere soeur" (The Baroness, the Countess)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Marilyn Hill Smith, Andrew Litton
"Qui, c'est le plus grand des bonheurs" (The Countess, the Baroness)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Marilyn Hill Smith, Andrew Litton
"Charmez, brillez, c'est de votre age" (The Commander, the Baroness)
Andrew Litton, Marilyn Hill Smith, Philharmonia Orchestra
"C'est un mariage" (The Baroness, the Countess, Ensemble)
Yvonne Kenny, Philharmonia Orchestra, Andrew Litton, Marilyn Hill Smith
"Ainsi, un fois maries" (The Baroness, the Commander, the Countess)
Marilyn Hill Smith, Andrew Litton, Philharmonia Orchestra
"Allons, rassurez-vous" (The Countess, the Commander, the Baroness)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Marilyn Hill Smith, Andrew Litton
"Ça va être bien divertissant" (The Commander, the Baroness)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Marilyn Hill Smith, Andrew Litton
"Ah, vous voila donc, chevalier?" (The Baroness, the Chevalier)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Marilyn Hill Smith, Andrew Litton
"Mais pardon ..." (The Chevalier, the Baroness)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Andrew Litton, Marilyn Hill Smith
"Eh bien! Monsieur" (The Countess, the Chevalier)
Marilyn Hill Smith, Andrew Litton, Philharmonia Orchestra
"Oh... Ah! Cessez de grâce" (The Chevalier, the Countess)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Andrew Litton, Marilyn Hill Smith
"Ainsi, madame" (The Chevaliers, the Countess)
Marilyn Hill Smith, Andrew Litton, Philharmonia Orchestra
"Quels fracas!" (Chorus, the Commander, the Chevalier)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Andrew Litton, Marilyn Hill Smith, Nicole Tibbels
"Ma soeur! Ma soeur!" (The Baroness, the Countess)
Marilyn Hill Smith, Philharmonia Orchestra, Andrew Litton
"Voila donc la cruelle" (Chorus of 12 Men, the Countess, the Baroness)
Andrew Litton, Marilyn Hill Smith, Philharmonia Orchestra, Nicole Tibbels
"Sur le terrain, tous deux enfin" (The Commander, All)
Bruce Ford, Andrew Litton, Philharmonia Orchestra, Marilyn Hill Smith
"Ainsi, commandeur, vous voila" (The Countess, the Baroness, the Commander)
Marilyn Hill Smith, Philharmonia Orchestra, Andrew Litton
"Nous pouvons arranger l'affaire" (The Commander, the Countess, the Baroness)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Andrew Litton, Marilyn Hill Smith
"Ainsi, noble baronne" (The Commander, the Baroness, the Countess)
Andrew Litton, Philharmonia Orchestra, Marilyn Hill Smith
"Aucun, et je proteste! ..." (The Chevalier, the Baroness)
Andrew Litton, Marilyn Hill Smith, Philharmonia Orchestra
"Et maintenant, chevalier" (The Baroness, the Chevalier)
Andrew Litton, Philharmonia Orchestra, Marilyn Hill Smith
"Que vois-je?" (The Chevalier, the Commander, the Baroness, the 12 Men, the Countess, the Baroness)
Philharmonia Orchestra, Marilyn Hill Smith, Andrew Litton