J. Doderer: The Little Bird
Razaz: The Golden Bee
Märt-Matis Lill: Lullaby
E. Gyger: Chanting
M. Oshima: Flower
Povolotsky: Here Comes a Swallow
Aho: Nuku, lapsoseni
F. Gardella: Wiegenlied
Rotaru: Co(ho)quet(us) reMIx
Buffa: To the Unknown Voice
W. Lu: Sparrows and Puffins
Itsuki Lullaby
- Robert SuffExecutive Producer
- Martin NagorniPost Production Editor, Producer
- Martin NagorniRecording Engineer, Post Production Mixing Engineer
- Ludwig MeckelPiano Technician
- Hiyoli TogawaLiner Notes