E soffitto. E pareti. (Live)
John Lanigan, David Tree, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Rudolf Kempe
Questa è la cameriera (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, David Tree, John Lanigan, Geraint Evans, Barbara Howitt, Rudolf Kempe
Dovunque al mondo (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, David Tree, John Lanigan, Rudolf Kempe, Geraint Evans
Quale smania vi prende! (Live)
Rudolf Kempe, Geraint Evans, David Tree, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, John Lanigan
Ah!. Ah!. Ah!. Ah!. Quanto cielo! Quanto mar! (Live)
Gran ventura (Live)
L'imperial commissario (Live)
Vieni, amor mio! (Live)
Ieri son salita (Live)
Geraint Evans, David Tree, Harry Gawler, Ronald Firmager, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, John Lanigan, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles
Ed eccoci in famiglia (Live)
Bimba, bimba, non piangere (Live)
John Lanigan, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles, Barbara Howitt
Bimba dagli occhi pieni ci malia (Live)
Vogliatemi bene (Live)
E Izaghi ed Izanami (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles, Barbara Howitt
C'e. Entrate (Live)
Non lo sapete insomma (Live)
David Allen, Geraint Evans, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, David Tree, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles
Ora a noi (Live)
Ebbene, che fareste, Madama Butterfly (Live)
E questo? E questo? (Live)
Che tua madre dovrà prenderti (Live)
Io scendo al piano (Live)
Vespa! Rospo maledetto! (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, David Tree, Barbara Howitt, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles
Una nave de guerra (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Barbara Howitt, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles
Scuoti quella fronda di ciliegio (Live)
Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Barbara Howitt
Or vienmi ad adornar (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles, Barbara Howitt
Humming Chorus (Live)
Già il sole! (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Barbara Howitt, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles
Chi sia? (Live)
Geraint Evans, John Lanigan, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Rudolf Kempe, Barbara Howitt
Lo so che alle sue pene (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Geraint Evans, Rudolf Kempe, John Lanigan, Barbara Howitt
Addio, fiorito asil (Live)
Glielo dirai? (Live)
Joyce Livingstone, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles, Barbara Howitt
Che vuoi da me? (Live)
Joyce Livingstone, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles, Geraint Evans, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Barbara Howitt
Come una mosca prigioniera (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Barbara Howitt, Rudolf Kempe, Victoria de los Ángeles
Con onor muore (Live)