VI. But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming
Roger Stalman, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Walter Susskind
IX. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion
X. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth
Walter Susskind, Roger Stalman, London Philharmonic Orchestra
XI. The People That Walked in Darkness
Roger Stalman, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Walter Susskind
XIV/XV. There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field - Glory to God....
Walter Susskind, London Philharmonic Orchestra, April Cantello
XXII.-XXIV. Surely He Has Borne... / And With the Stripes... / All We Like Sheep
XXXV./XXXVI. He That Dwelleth in Heaven - Thou Shalt Break Them With a Rod of Iron
XXXIX. Since By Man Came Death - For as in Adam Even so in Christ
XL/XLI. Behold I Tell You a Mystery - The Trumpet Shall Sound
Walter Susskind, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Roger Stalman
XLII./XLIII. Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain - Amen