Pietro Torri
The compositions of this Italian organist were predominantly written in the dramatic vein. Operas dominated his work. Torri served as a master of the chapel for the Margrave of Beyreuth, probably traveled in Italy for about five years, and then found service with Max Emanuel in 1689. During the Wars of Spanish succession the Munich court traveled to many different places in Europe. Torri was usually in the company of Max Emanuel. The court eventually returned to Munich in 1715 and Torri acceded to the position of Hofkapell-Director. It was not until 1732 that he became the Hofkapellmeister. The operas which Torri composed, including "Gli oracolo di Pallade e di Nemesi," "Briseide," and "Amadis aus Griechenland" were in the style of Scarlatti. Torri was not able to capture the spirit and emphasis of Scarlatti though his melodies were elegant and lyric. Characteristics of his later works show the influence of Lully in his use of ballet, textual dynamics, and orchestration. ~ Keith Johnson