Conradin Kreutzer
- Tommaso Valenti, Laura Magistrelli, Remo Pieri, Fausto Saredi
An operatic composer whose musical talent was characterized in his instrumental arrangement. Kreutzer studied with a local (Swabian burgher) musician, Rieger, organ and theory with Weinrauch, and later with Albrechtsberger in Vienna. Much of his musical life seems unsettled though he spent most of his time in Vienna and Germany. His first marriage gave him two daughters who were singers and Kreutzer, on at least two occasions, traveled with and accompanied them. Positions that he maintianed included tours, Hofkapellmeister in Stuttgart, time in Schaffhausen, Kapellmeister in Donauschingen, Kapellmeister of the Karntnertor-Theatre in Vienna, the Theatre in der Josefstadt (a suburb of Vienna), and the city music director at Cologne. Kreutzer's most successful works were the operas "Das Nachtlager in Granada," and "Der Verschwender." Other operas were scored and arranged at his hand but only met with estimated success. Both "Das Nachtlager" and "Der Verschwender" contain pieces that are still sung today particularly in Austria but most of Kreutzer's compositions were non-innovative. He was at the end of a musical era when the public was getting prepared to hear the operatic genius of Wagner. Instrumentally and musically Kreutzer's compositions were rhythmically alive and accesible to the public for their inclusion of provencial flavors. The forte of Kreutzer can be appreciated and experienced in his simple and expressive songs. ~ Keith Johnson