No. 2, Oh, the pleasure of the plains! (Chorus)
No. 3, Recitative. Ye verdant plains and woody mountains (Galatea)
No. 4, Air. Hush, ye pretty warbling choir! (Galatea)
No. 5, Air. Where shall I seek the charming fair? (Acis)
No. 6, Recitative. Stay, shepherd, stay! (Damon)
No. 7, Air. Shepherd, what art thou pursuing? (Damon)
No. 8, Recitative. Lo, here my love, turn, Galatea, hither turn thy eye! (Acis)
No. 9, Air. Love in her eyes sits playing (Acis)
No. 10, Recitative. Oh, didst thou know the pains of absent love (Galatea)
No. 12, Duet. Happy we! (Acis and Galatea)
No. 14, Wretched lovers! Fate has past (Chorus)
No. 15, Recitative. I rage - I melt - I burn! (Polyphemus)
No. 16, Air. O ruddier than the cherry (Polyphemus)
No. 17, Recitative. Whither, fairest, art thou running (Polyphemus, Galatea)
No. 18, Air. Cease to beauty to be suing (Polyphemus)
No. 19, Air. Would you gain the tender creature (Coridon)
No. 20, Recitative. His hideous love provokes my rage (Acis)
No. 23, Recitative. Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth (Galatea)
No. 24, Trio. The flocks shall leave the mountains (Acis and Galatea, Polyphemus)
No. 25, Recitative. Help, Galatea! Help, ye parent gods! (Acis)
No. 26. Mourn, all ye muses! Weep, all ye swains! (Chorus)
No. 27, Solo and Chorus. Must I my Acis still bemoan (Galatea, Chorus)
No. 28, Recitative. Tis done! Thus I exert my pow'r Divine (Galatea)
No. 29, Air. Heart, the sea of soft delight (Galatea)
No. 30, Galatea, dry thy tears (Chorus)