2. Comfort Ye My People
London Philharmonic Orchestra, George Maran, George Malcolm, Adrian Boult, Earl Wild
3. Every Valley
Adrian Boult, George Malcolm, London Philharmonic Orchestra, George Maran, Earl Wild
5. Thus Said the Lord
6. But Who May Abide
8. Behold a Virgin Shall Conceive
9. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion
Adrian Boult, George Malcolm, Norma Procter, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Frederik Jackson, Earl Wild
11. The People That Walked in Darkness
14. There Were Shepherds
16. Rejoice Greatly
17. Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened
18. He Shall Feed His Flock
21. He Was Despised
25. All They That See Him
Adrian Boult, George Malcolm, London Philharmonic Orchestra, George Maran, Earl Wild
27. Thy Rebuke Has Borken His Heart
Adrian Boult, London Philharmonic Orchestra, George Maran, George Malcolm, Earl Wild
28, Behold and See
George Maran, George Malcolm, Adrian Boult, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Earl Wild
30. But Thou Didst Not Leave
London Philharmonic Orchestra, Adrian Boult, George Malcolm, George Maran, Earl Wild
32. Unto Which of the Angels
George Maran, George Malcolm, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Adrian Boult
34. Thou Art Gone Up High
36. How Beautiful Are the Feet
38. Why Do the Nations
40. He That Dwelleth in Heaven
London Philharmonic Orchestra, George Malcolm, Adrian Boult, George Maran
41. Thou Shalt Break Them
London Philharmonic Orchestra, Adrian Boult, George Malcolm, George Maran, Earl Wild
43. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
45. Behold, I Tell You a Mystery
46. The Trumpet Shall Sound
47. Then Shall Be Bought to Pass
48 O Death, Where Is Thy Sting
George Maran, Adrian Boult, Norma Procter, George Malcolm, London Philharmonic Orchestra
49. If God Be for Us