Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana
Act I, "Ciel! Qual Procella Orribile" (Chorus, Hermit)
Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Ugo Trama
Act I, "Io Vivo Ancor!" (Gualtiero, Hermit, Itublo)
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Ugo Trama, Giuseppe Baratti, Flaviano Labò
Act I, "Ascolta. Nel Furor Delle Tempeste" (Gualtiero, Hermit, Chorus, Itulbo)
Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Flaviano Labò, Ugo Trama, Franco Capuana, Giuseppe Baratti, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival
Act I, "Sorgete: È In Me Dover Quella Pietade" (Imogene, Itulbo, Adele)
Montserrat Caballé, Franco Capuana, Giuseppe Baratti, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Flora Raffanelli
Act I, "Lo Sognai Ferito, Esangue" (Imogene, Adele, Chorus, Itulbo, Gualtiero)
Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Montserrat Caballé, Franco Capuana, Giuseppe Baratti, Flaviano Labò, Flora Raffanelli
Act I, "Evviva! Allegri!" (Chorus, Itulbo)
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Giuseppe Baratti
Act I, "Ebben?... Verrà" (Imogene, Adele, Gualtiero)
Montserrat Caballé, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Flaviano Labò, Flora Raffanelli
Act I, "Se un Giorno Fia Che Ti Tragga" (Imogene, Gualtiero)
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Flaviano Labò, Franco Capuana, Montserrat Caballé
Act I, "Pietosa Al Padre!" (Gualtiero, Imogene)
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Montserrat Caballé, Flaviano Labò
Act I, "Bagnato Dalle Lagrime" (Gualtiero, Imogene, Adele)
Flaviano Labò, Montserrat Caballé, Franco Capuana, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Flora Raffanelli
Act I, "Più Temuto, Più Splendido Nome" (Chorus)
Franco Capuana, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Chorus of the Florence May Festival
Act I, "Si, Vincemmo, e Il Pregio Io Sento" (Ernesto, Chorus)
Piero Cappuccilli, Franco Capuana, Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival
Act I, "Mi Abbraccia, O Donna" (Ernesto, Imogene, Hermit, Itulbo, Gualtiero, Chorus)
Montserrat Caballé, Piero Cappuccilli, Ugo Trama, Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Giuseppe Baratti, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Flaviano Labò, Franco Capuana
Act I, "Parlarti, Ancora Per Poco" (Gualtiero, Ernesto, Imogene, Adele, Chorus, Itulbo, Hermit)
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Ugo Trama, Montserrat Caballé, Piero Cappuccilli, Giuseppe Baratti, Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Flaviano Labò, Flora Raffanelli
Act I, "Ebben, Cominci, O Barbara" (Gualtiero, Imogene, Ernesto, Chorus)
Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Montserrat Caballé, Piero Cappuccilli, Flaviano Labò
Act I, "Ah! Partiamo: I Miei Tormenti" (Imogene, Adele, Gualtiero, Ernesto, Itulbo, Hermit, Chorus)
Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Flaviano Labò, Giuseppe Baratti, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Montserrat Caballé, Piero Cappuccilli, Ugo Trama, Franco Capuana, Flora Raffanelli
Act II, "Che Rechi Tu?" (Chorus, Adele, Imogene, Ernesto)
Franco Capuana, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Montserrat Caballé, Piero Cappuccilli, Flora Raffanelli
Act II, "Tu M'aprisit In Cor Ferita" (Ernesto, Imogene)
Montserrat Caballé, Piero Cappuccilli, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana
Act II, "Che Rechi?" (Ernesto, Imogene)
Montserrat Caballé, Piero Cappuccilli, Franco Capuana, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival
Act II, "Lasciami: Forza Umana" (Gualtiero, Itulbo, Imogene)
Franco Capuana, Giuseppe Baratti, Flaviano Labò, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Montserrat Caballé
Act II, "Vieni: Cerchiam Pe'mari" (Gualtiero, Imogene)
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Flaviano Labò, Montserrat Caballé, Franco Capuana
Act II, "Cedo Al Destino Orribile" (Gualtiero, Imogene, Ernesto)
Franco Capuana, Montserrat Caballé, Piero Cappuccilli, Flaviano Labò, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival
Act II, "Lasso! Perir Così" (Chorus, Adele)
Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Flora Raffanelli
Act II, "Giusto Vielo! Gualtiero!" (Adele, Chorus, Gualtiero)
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Flaviano Labò, Flora Raffanelli
Act II, "Tu Vedrai la Sventurata" (Gualtiero, Chorus)
Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Flaviano Labò
Act II, "Oh! S'io Potessi Dissipar... Col Sorriso D'innocenza" (Imogene, Adele, Chorus)
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival, Montserrat Caballé, Chorus of the Florence May Festival, Franco Capuana, Flora Raffanelli