- 2006 · 3 tracks · 37 min
Violin Concerto No. 1 in E‑Flat Major
Paganini was a travelling showman of the violin, and the Violin Concerto No. 1, first performed in 1819, was written to delight audiences who thrilled to his astonishing virtuosity. It begins with a rousing call to attention, a militaristic orchestral introduction complete with clashing cymbals. The solo violin eventually enters with the flamboyance of a ringmaster at the circus, combining technically dazzling runs with interludes where gentler lyrical material is considered. Italian opera is a major influence on the concerto’s slow movement, the violin spinning a sweetly songful melody in the manner of an emotional diva. High spirits infuse the athletic finale, where Paganini unveils his famous “ricochet” technique, the soloist’s bow bouncing elastically off the strings in an electrifying release of energy. Multi-string harmonics are also added in a movement posing considerable technical difficulty, yet bursting with the inimitable vitality and charisma that made Paganini a superstar of his era.