2. Recitative: "'Tis Dioclesian's natal day" (Alternative Scene)
5. Recitative: "Vouchsafe, dread Sir"
17. Recitative: "Fly, fly, my brethren"
21. Aria: "Dread the fruits of Christian folly"
22. Recitative: "Deluded mortal"/Accompagnato: "O worse than death indeed"
24. Recitative: "Unhappy, happy crew!"
25. Air: "Kind heaven, if virtue be thy care"
26. Recitative: "Oh love! how great thy pow'r"
37. Recitative: "But why art thou disquieted?"
39. Recitative: "Long have I known"
41. Recitative: "O save her then"
47. Recitative: "O save me, Heav'n"
49. Accompagnato: "Forbid it, Heav'n!"/Rec.: "Ah! what is liberty"
50. Duet: "To thee, thou glorious son of worth"
34a. Recitative: "Oh thou bright sun!" (Alternative Ending)
53. Aria: "Lord, to thee each night and day"
54. Recitative: "But see, the good, the virtuous"
55. Aria: "When sunk in anguish and despair"
56. Chorus Of Christians and Theodora: "Blest be the hand"
57. Recitative: "Undaunted in the court" / Accompagnato: "O my Irene, Heav'n is kind"
58. Duet: "Whither, Princess, do you fly?"
59. Recitative: "She's gone disdaining liberty and life"
60. Aria: "New scenes of joy come crowding on"
61. Recitative: "Is it a Christian virtue then" / "Be that my doom"
62. Aria: "From virtue springs each gen'rous deed"
63. Aria: "Cease, ye slaves, your fruitless pray'r"
64. Recitative: "'Tis kind, my friends"
66. Recitative: "On me your frowns"
68. Recitative: "And must such beauty suffer"
69. Aria And Duet: "Streams of pleasure ever flowing" / "Thither let our hearts aspire"
70. Recitative: "Ere this their doom is past"