No. 1, Chorus. Come, ye daughters, help me lament (Live)
Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 2, Recitative. When Jesus then had finished all these sayings (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, William Warfield
No. 3, Chorale. Beloved Jesus, what has thou done wrong (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals
No. 4, Recitative. There assembled themselves the high priests and the scribes (Live)
William Warfield, Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 5, Chorus. Not upon the feast, lest from It there be an uproar (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 6, Recitative. When now Jesus visited Bethany and was in the house (Live)
Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, William Warfield, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 7, Chorus. What end serveth all This nonsense? (Live)
Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 8, Recitative. But when Jesus noticed This (Live)
Pau Casals, William Warfield, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ernst Haefliger
No. 9, Recitative. Beloved Savior thou (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Maureen Forrester
No. 11, Recitative. Then there went one of the twelve (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ernst Haefliger, Ara Berberian, Pau Casals
No. 13, Recitative. But on the first day of Unleavened Bread (Live)
Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 14, Chorus. Where wilt thou That we prepare the Paschal Lamb (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Paobl Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 15, Recitative. He said: (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, William Warfield, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 16, Chorale. It Is I. I should atone (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 17, Recitative. He answered to them and said: (Live)
Ara Berberian, Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, William Warfield, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 18, Recitative. Although my heart swims in tears (Live)
Olga Iglesias, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 19, Aria. I will give my heart to thee (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Olga Iglesias
No. 20, Recitative. But after the song of praise had been recited (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, The Festival Casals Orchestra, William Warfield, Pau Casals
No. 21, Chorale. Know me, my keeper (Live)
Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 22, Recitative. Peter, however, then answerèd and said to him (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, William Warfield, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ara Berberian
No. 23, Chorale. I would stand here beside thee (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 24, Recitative. Then came Jesus with them to a garden, by name Gethsemane (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, William Warfield
No. 25, Recitative. O pain! (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 26, Aria. I will watch beside my Jesus. (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 27, Recitative. He went on a little, fell down upon his face (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, William Warfield
No. 28, Recitative. The Savior falls down before his father (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ara Berberian, Pau Casals
No. 29, Aria. I will gladly submit myself (Live)
Ara Berberian, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 30, Recitative. And he came to his disciples and found them sleeping (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, William Warfield, Ernst Haefliger
No. 31, Chorale. What my God wills, may It ever befall. (Live)
Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 32, Recitative. And he came and found them once more sleeping (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, William Warfield, Ara Berberian, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals
No. 33, Duet and Chorus. So Is my Jesus captured now (Live)
Pau Casals, Maureen Forrester, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Olga Iglesias
No. 34, Recitative. Behold them! (Live)
Ara Berberian, Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, William Warfield, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 35, Choral. O man, bewail your great sin (Live)
Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 36, Aria and Chorus. Ah! My Jesus has gone now (Live)
Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Maureen Forrester, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 37, Recitative. But those, however, who had seized Jesus (Live)
Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 38, Chorale. The world has judged me deceitfully (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 39, Recitative. And although there came there many false witnesses (Live)
Pau Casals, Ara Berberian, Ernst Haefliger, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 40, Recitative. My Jesus holds his peace (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 41, Aria. Forbear, Though deceiving tongues may sting me! (Live)
Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ernst Haefliger
No. 42, Recitative. And the high priest then, answering, spake thus to him: (Live)
Ara Berberian, William Warfield, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Ernst Haefliger
No. 43, Recitative. Then did they spit upon his countenance and struck him with their (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 44, Chorale. Who has buffeted thee so (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 45, Recitative. Peter, meanwhile, sat outside in the court; and there came to him (Live)
Pau Casals, Olga Iglesias, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ara Berberian, Ernst Haefliger
No. 46, Chorus and Recitative. Surely thou also art one of them, for thy speech doth betray thee (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Ara Berberian
No. 48, Chorale. Although I have strayed from thee (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 49, Recitative. Now when the morning came (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Ernst Haefliger, Ara Berberian, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 50, Recitative. And he cast the silvers pieces in the temple (Live)
Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 51, Aria. Give me back my Jesus! (Live)
Ara Berberian, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 52, Recitative. So they took counsel once again and bought (Live)
Ara Berberian, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, William Warfield, Ernst Haefliger
No. 53, Choral. Commend your way (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 54, Recitative. But upon This feast the governor had the custom of setting free (Live)
Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Olga Iglesias, Ara Berberian, Ernst Haefliger, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 55, Choral. How miraculous indeed Is This punishment! (Live)
Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 56, Recitative. The governor answered (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, Ara Berberian
No. 57, Recitative. He has done good to us all (Live)
Olga Iglesias, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals
No. 58, Aria. Out of love my Saviour Is willing to die (Live)
Olga Iglesias, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals
No. 59, Recitative. They cried again even more and said: (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, Ara Berberian, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals
No. 60, Recitative. Have mercy, God! (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Maureen Forrester
No. 61, Aria. If the tears upon my cheeks can (Live)
Maureen Forrester, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals
No. 62, Recitative. And then did the governor's soldiers take Jesus (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 63, Chorale. O head, full of blood and wounds (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 64, Recitative. And after they had mocked him, they removed the robe (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals
No. 65, Recitative. Yea! Gladly Is the flesh and blood in us (Live)
Ara Berberian, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals
No. 66, Aria. Come, sweet cross, I will say then: (Live)
Pau Casals, Ara Berberian, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 67, Recitative. And when they came unto a place with the name of Golgotha (Live)
Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ernst Haefliger
No. 68, Recitative. In like wise also did the murderers mock him (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger
No. 69, Recitative. Ah, Golgotha, hapless Golgotha! (Live)
Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Maureen Forrester
No. 70, Aria. See, Jesus hath his hand (Live)
Pau Casals, Maureen Forrester, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 71, Recitative. And from the sixth hour on there was a darkness over all the land (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ernst Haefliger, William Warfield, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Pau Casals
No. 72, Chorale. When once I must depart (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 73, Recitative. And then, behold: The curtain of the temple (Live)
The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
No. 74, Recitative. In the evening, when It was cool (Live)
Pau Casals, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ara Berberian
No. 75, Aria. Make thyself clean, my heart (Live)
Ara Berberian, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals
No. 76, Recitative. And Joseph took the body and wrapped It (Live)
Ernst Haefliger, Pau Casals, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Ara Berberian
No. 77, Recitative. Now the Lord Is brought to rest (Live)
Ara Berberian, Pau Casals, Ernst Haefliger, Maureen Forrester, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Olga Iglesias, The Festival Casals Orchestra
No. 78, Chorus. We sit down in tears (Live)
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, The Festival Casals Orchestra, Pau Casals