He! Ho! Waldhüter ihr (Live)
Louis Hendrikx, Reginald Goodall, Dennis Wicks, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Seht dort, die wilde Reiterin! (Live)
Nan Christie, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Delia Wallis, Edgar Evans, Amy Shuard, Reginald Goodall, Louis Hendrikx, Dennis Wicks
Recht so! Habt Dank! Ein wenig Rast (Live)
Louis Hendrikx, Norman Bailey, Reginald Goodall, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Dennis Wicks
Nicht Dank! Ha, ha! Was wird es helfen? (Live)
Louis Hendrikx, Amy Shuard, John Dobson, David Lennox, Reginald Goodall, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
O wunden-wundervoller heiliger Speer! (Live)
Louis Hendrikx, John Dobson, David Lennox, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Nan Christie, Reginald Goodall, Delia Wallis
Titurel, der fromme Held (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Delia Wallis, Nan Christie, Louis Hendrikx, John Dobson, David Lennox, Reginald Goodall
Weh! Weh! - Wer ist der Frevler? (Live)
John Dobson, David Lennox, Jon Vickers, Nan Christie, Louis Hendrikx, Reginald Goodall, Edgar Evans, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Delia Wallis, Dennis Wicks
Nun sag! Nichts weißt du, was ich dich frage (Live)
Amy Shuard, Reginald Goodall, Louis Hendrikx, Jon Vickers, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Vom Bade kehrt der König heim (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Louis Hendrikx, Jon Vickers, Reginald Goodall
Nun achte wohl und lass mich seh'n (Live)
Louis Hendrikx, Royal School of Church Music Choir, Reginald Goodall, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Royal Opera Chorus
Mein sohn Amfortas, bist du am Amt? (Live)
Wehvolles Erbe, dem ich verfallen (Live)
Reginald Goodall, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Norman Bailey, Royal School of Church Music Choir, Royal Opera Chorus
Enthüllet den Gral! (Live)
Royal School of Church Music Choir, Royal Opera Chorus, Michael Langdon, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Reginald Goodall
Wein und Brot des letzten Mahles (Live)
Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Royal School of Church Music Choir, Reginald Goodall
Was stehst du noch da? (Live)
Reginald Goodall, Royal Opera Chorus, Royal School of Church Music Choir, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Louis Hendrikx
Prelude - Die Zeit ist da (Live)
Ach! Ach! Tiefe Nacht (Live)
Ho! Ihr Wächter! Ho! Ritter! (Live)
Hier war das Tosen! Hier! Hier! (Live)
Jon Vickers, Anne Howells, Reginald Goodall, Marjorie Biggar, Anne Pashley, Alison Hargan, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Maureen Keetch
Komm'! Komm'! Holder Knabe! (Live)
Reginald Goodall, Royal Opera Chorus, Anne Pashley, Maureen Keetch, Marjorie Biggar, Anne Howells, Jon Vickers, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Alison Hargan, Royal School of Church Music Choir
Parsifal! Weile! (Live)
Alison Hargan, Marjorie Biggar, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Anne Pashley, Jon Vickers, Anne Howells, Reginald Goodall, Maureen Keetch, Amy Shuard
Dies alles - Hab' ich nun geträumt? (Live)
Reginald Goodall, Amy Shuard, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Jon Vickers
Ich sah das Kind an seiner Mutter Brust (Live)
Reginald Goodall, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Amy Shuard
Wehe! Wehe! Was tat ich? (Live)
Reginald Goodall, Jon Vickers, Amy Shuard, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Amfortas! Die Wunde! (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Reginald Goodall, Jon Vickers, Amy Shuard
Grausamer! Fühlst du im Herzen (Live)
Reginald Goodall, Amy Shuard, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Jon Vickers
Vergeh, unseliges Weib! (Live)
Von dort her kam das Stöhnen (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Reginald Goodall, Louis Hendrikx, Amy Shuard
Wer nahet dort dem heil'gen Quell (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Louis Hendrikx, Reginald Goodall
Heil mir, dass ich dich wieder finde! (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Jon Vickers, Reginald Goodall, Louis Hendrikx
Zu ihm, des tiefe Klagen (Live)
Jon Vickers, Louis Hendrikx, Reginald Goodall, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
O Herr! War es ein Fluch (Live)
Louis Hendrikx, Jon Vickers, Reginald Goodall, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Nicht so! Die heil'ge Quelle selbst (Live)
Reginald Goodall, Louis Hendrikx, Jon Vickers, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Gesegnet sei, du Reiner, durch das Reine! (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Reginald Goodall, Jon Vickers, Louis Hendrikx
Wie dünkt mir doch die Aue heut so schön! (Live)
Louis Hendrikx, Reginald Goodall, Jon Vickers, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Du siehst, das ich nicht so (Live)
Louis Hendrikx, Jon Vickers, Reginald Goodall, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Mittag. Die Stund' ist da (Live)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Louis Hendrikx, Reginald Goodall
Geleiten wir im bergenden Schrein (Live)
Royal School of Church Music Choir, Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Reginald Goodall
Ja, wehe! Weh' über mich (Live)
Norman Bailey, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Royal School of Church Music Choir, Reginald Goodall, Royal Opera Chorus
Höchsten Heiles Wunder! (Live)
Reginald Goodall, Royal Opera Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Royal School of Church Music Choir