Giovanni Battista Bassani
- Lorenzo Baldini, Matteo Straffi, Alice Molinari, Alice Fraccari, Paolo Davolio, Arianna Stornello, I Madrigalisti Estensi, Giacomo Pieracci, Gabriele Lombardi, Michele Gaddi, Maximiliano Dante Texeira, Benedetta Mazzucato
It is thought that this Italian composer, lauded violinist, and organist was the teacher of Corelli. His first oratorios were composed while in Ferrara. Bassani composed in genres that included sonatas, opera, oratorio, masses, concertos and cantatas. Extant works include arias from his opera "Gli amori alla moda". Much of Basani's work is stilted by the conventions of his time but display his verve for the violin. ~ Keith Johnson