Luise Adolpha Le Beau
Composer and pianist Luise Adolpha Le Beau had a long career that included the creation of several works in larger forms. She also worked as an educator and music critic. In 1882, Le Beau's Cello Sonata, Op. 17, won first prize in an international contest. Her major works included the Piano Concerto, Op. 37, the opera Hadumoth, Op. 40, and a Symphony, Op. 41, premiered in Baden-Baden in 1895. Le Beau was nominated for a chair at the Royal School of Music in Berlin but was turned down due to her gender. In 1910, Le Beau published a memoir, Lebenserinnerungen einer Komponistin, and remained active in old age, teaching and writing in Baden-Baden. She died there on July 17, 1927. By the early 2020s, some 20 of her compositions had been recorded.