Na hali - Tableau I: In the mountain pasture: I. Redyk: Driving the sheep
Na hali - Tableau I: In the mountain pasture: II. Scena mimiczna (zaloty) - Mimed scene (courtship)
Na hali - Tableau I: In the mountain pasture: III. Marsz zbójnicki - The tatra robbers' march
Na hali - Tableau I: In the mountain pasture: IV. Scena mimiczna (Harnas i Dziewczyna) - Mimed scene (The Harnas and the girl)
Na hali - Tableau I: In the mountain pasture: V. Taniec zbójnicki. Final - The tatra robbers' dance. Finale
W karczmie - Tableau II: In the inn: VIa. Wesele - The wedding
W karczmie - Tableau II: In the inn: VIb. Cepiny - Entry of the bride
W karczmie - Tableau II: In the inn: VIc. Piesn siuhajów - Drinking song
W karczmie - Tableau II: In the inn: VII. Taniec góralski - The tatra highlanders' dance
W karczmie - Tableau II: In the inn: VIII. Napad harnasiów. Taniec - Raid of the Harnasie. Dance
W karczmie - Tableau II: In the inn: IX. Epilog - Epilogue