Escaich: Tribute to Piazzolla
L. Bonfa: Manhã de Carnaval
Improvisation No. 3
Piazzolla: Tango-Études
El cant dels ocells (Arr. for Trumpet and Tuba by Romain Leleu and Thomas Leleu)
Invention No. 1 in C Major, BWV 772 (Arr. for Trumpet and Tuba by Romain Leleu and Thomas Leleu)
J. S. Bach: 15 Two-Part Inventions, BWV 772-786
Invention No. 3 in D Major, BWV 774 (Arr. for Trumpet and Tuba by Romain Leleu and Thomas Leleu)
Les Baricades Mistérieuses (Arr. for Trumpet and Tuba by Manuel Doutrelant)
Passacaglia after Handel’s Harpsichord Suite No. 7 in G Minor, HWV 432 (Arr. for Trumpet and Tuba by Manuel Doutrelant)
Allan Botschinsky: Interlude No. 4
Christoph Moschberger: Tears for Pachelbel
Down by the Salley Gardens
Down by the Salley Gardens (Arr. for Trumpet and Tuba by Romain Leleu and Thomas Leleu)
- La Dolce VoltaExecutive Producer
- Ken YoshidaRecording Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Editing Engineer
- Ken YoshidaCreative Director