No. 3. Soi Vienosti Murheeni Soitto (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
No. 4. Merella (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
Vallinkorvan Laulu (Song of Vallinkorva), Op. 24, No. 2 (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
Souda, Souda Sinisorsa (Row, Row, Duck) (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
No. 7. Lastu Lainehilla (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
Yrtit Tummat (Dark Herbs), Op. 9, No. 1 (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
Kyösti Larin
Itkisit Joskus Illoin (If You'd Sometimes Weep At Evening) (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
No. 3. Summer Night (arr for Bass and Orchestra)
No. 1. Vanna Kirkko (The Old Church) (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
No. 1. Rannalta (From the Shores) (arr for Bass and Orchestra)
Aleksis Kivi
Sunnuntai (Sunday), Op. 25, No. 1 (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
Yrjo Jylha
Haatanhu (Wedding Dance) (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
Tuijotin Tulehen Kauan (Long Gazed Into the Fire), Op. 2, No. 2 (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
Kesayo Kirkkomaalla (Summer Night In the Churchyard), Op. 6, No. 1 (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
Yo (Night), Op. 22, No. 3 (arr. for Bass and Orchestra)
Etelapohjahlaisia Lauluja
No. 1. Tallaaselle Poijalle (For a Boy Like This)
No. 2. Tuuli Se Taivutti Koivun Larvan (The Wind Bent Down)
No. 3. Niin Kauan Mina Tramppaan (I'll Walk Around This Here Village)
- Seppo SiiralaProducer
- Reijo KiilunenExecutive Producer
- Enno MaemetsEngineer
- Jukka LehtinenCover Photography, Photography
- Maria AppelbergCover Art
- Pekka HakoLiner Notes
- Marco BorggrevePhotography
- Mikko HannukselaBooklet Editor