Edwin George Monk
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- Choir of the Church of the Redeemer, Stuart Forster, Michael S. Murray, Christ Church Cambridge, Massachusetts Choir
Of little import were the compositions of Edwin Monk. He was an English organist who studied with Hullah, Phillips and Macfarren. In service to St Colomba's College as organist and master of music in 1844, Monk later settle in Oxford where he organized the Motet and Madrigal Society of the University. Radley College was founded, in part, by Monk who was also one of the original members of the Musical Association. Interests of Monk included Biblical scholarship and astronomy. He was instrumental in compiling librettos for Macfarren's oratorios and Monk edited a number of books dealing with music including "The Order of Chanting the Daily Prayer and the Litany as used in the College of St Colomba," "The Anglican Chant Book," and "The Anglican Choral Service Book." ~ Keith Johnson