No. 7, Chorus "And He Shall Purify" & No. 8, Recitative "Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive"
No. 13, Pifa & No. 14a, Recitative "There Were Shepherds"
No. 14b, Recitative "And Io, the Angel of the Lord" & No. 15, Recitative "And the Angel Said Unto Them"
No. 16, Recitative & Accompagnato "And Suddenly"
No. 18, Air "Rejoice Greatly" & No. 19, Recitative "Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind"
No. 20, Air "He Shall Feed His Flock"
No. 27, Recitative & Accompagnato "All They That See Him"
No. 29, Recitative "They Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart"
No. 32, Air "But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell"
No. 33, Chorus "Lift up Your Heads" & No. 34, Recitative "Unto Which of the Angels"
No. 41, Chorus "Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder" & No. 42, Recitative "He That Dwelleth in Heaven"
No. 48, Air "The Trumpet Shall Sound" & No. 49, Recitative "Then Shall Be Brought to Pass"