Sokolović: Golden slumbers kiss your eyes...
I. À la claire fontaine
Cantata Singers of Ottawa, Canadian National Arts Centre Orchestra, Alexander Shelley, Ewashko Singers, Capital Chamber Choir, David DQ Lee
II. Golden slumbers kiss your eyes...
Canadian National Arts Centre Orchestra, Alexander Shelley, Capital Chamber Choir, Cantata Singers of Ottawa, David DQ Lee, Ewashko Singers
III. Mie mama mata mata, Lazarice
Ewashko Singers, Canadian National Arts Centre Orchestra, Alexander Shelley, Capital Chamber Choir, Cantata Singers of Ottawa, David DQ Lee
IV. Tarantella del Gargano
Canadian National Arts Centre Orchestra, Alexander Shelley, Ewashko Singers, Capital Chamber Choir, David DQ Lee, Cantata Singers of Ottawa
V. Guter Mond
Canadian National Arts Centre Orchestra, Alexander Shelley, Capital Chamber Choir, Ewashko Singers, David DQ Lee, Cantata Singers of Ottawa
VII. Dodole, À la claire fontaine
Ewashko Singers, Capital Chamber Choir, Canadian National Arts Centre Orchestra, Alexander Shelley, Cantata Singers of Ottawa, David DQ Lee
- Carl TalbotProducer
- François Mario LabbéExecutive Producer
- Sonia LussierProduction Assistant
- Julie FournierProduction Director
- Carl TalbotMixing Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Editing Engineer
- Christopher JohnsEditing Engineer
- Marc TheriaultMastering Engineer
- Robert MarkowLiner Notes
- Alexander ShelleyLiner Notes
- Ana SokolovicLiner Notes