1. Chorus. "How excellent thy Name, O Lord"
2. Air. "An infant rais'd by thy command"
4. Chorus. "The Youth inspir'd by Thee, O Lord"
5. Chorus. "How excellent thy Name, O Lord"
6. Recitative. "He comes" - 7. Air. "O Godlike Youth!"
8. Recitative. "Behold, O King, the brave victorious Youth"
9. Air. "O King, your Favours with Delight I take"
10. Recitative. "O early Piety!"
Maximilian Schmitt, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Dresdner Barockorchester, Clemens Heidrich, Philipp Kaven, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Anna Prohaska, Eric Stoklossa, Ditte Andersen, Tobias Mathger, Yorck Felix Speer, Tim Mead, Dresden Chamber Choir, Felix Rumpf
11. Air. "What abject Thoughts a Prince can have"
12. Recitative. "Yet think, on whom this Honour you bestow"
Anna Prohaska, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Dresdner Barockorchester, Tim Mead, Philipp Kaven, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Yorck Felix Speer, Maximilian Schmitt, Dresden Chamber Choir, Tobias Mathger, Eric Stoklossa, Ditte Andersen, Felix Rumpf, Clemens Heidrich
13. Aria. "Birth and Fortune I despise!"
14. Recitative. "Go on, illustrious Pair!"
Eric Stokloßa, Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Maximilian Schmitt, Anna Prohaska, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Yorck Felix Speer, Tobias Mathger, Clemens Heidrich, Philipp Kaven, Dresden Chamber Choir, Felix Rumpf, Ditte Andersen, Tim Mead
15. Air. "Why yet thy Tide of Blood runs high"
Hans-Christoph Rademann, Eric Stokloßa, Dresdner Barockorchester
16. Recitative. "Thou, Merab, first in Birth"
Yorck Felix Speer, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Dresdner Barockorchester, Tobias Mathger, Clemens Heidrich, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Anna Prohaska, Felix Rumpf, Tim Mead, Eric Stoklossa, Ditte Andersen, Philipp Kaven, Maximilian Schmitt, Dresden Chamber Choir
17. Air. "My Soul rejects the Thought with Scorn"
18. Air. "See, see, with what a scornful Air"
21. Recitative. "Already see"
Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Ditte Andersen, Clemens Heidrich, Philipp Kaven, Dresden Chamber Choir, Tobias Mathger, Yorck Felix Speer, Anna Prohaska, Tim Mead, Eric Stoklossa, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Maximilian Schmitt, Felix Rumpf
22. Chorus. "Welcome, welcome mighty King!"
23. Accompagnato. "What do I hear?"
Yorck Felix Speer, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Dresdner Barockorchester, Anna Prohaska, Maximilian Schmitt, Philipp Kaven, Dresden Chamber Choir, Eric Stoklossa, Ditte Andersen, Clemens Heidrich, Tobias Mathger, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Felix Rumpf, Tim Mead
24. Chorus. "David his Ten Thousands slew"
25. Accompagnato. "To him Ten thousands!"
26. Air. "With Rage I shall burst his Praises to hear!"
27. Recitative. "Imprudent Women!"
28. Air. "Fell Rage and black Despair possessed"
29. Recitative. "This but the smallest Part of Harmony"
Eric Stokloßa, Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Maximilian Schmitt, Philipp Kaven, Dresden Chamber Choir, Clemens Heidrich, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Ditte Andersen, Yorck Felix Speer, Anna Prohaska, Tobias Mathger, Tim Mead, Felix Rumpf
30. Accompagnato. "By thee this Universal Frame"
Eric Stokloßa, Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann
31. Recitative. "Rack'd with Infernal Pains"
Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Philipp Kaven, Maximilian Schmitt, Tim Mead, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Eric Stoklossa, Ditte Andersen, Clemens Heidrich, Felix Rumpf, Dresden Chamber Choir, Tobias Mathger, Anna Prohaska, Yorck Felix Speer
32. Air. "O Lord, whose Mercies numberless"
34. Recitative. "'Tis all in vain"
Maximilian Schmitt, Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Philipp Kaven, Tim Mead, Eric Stoklossa, Ditte Andersen, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Anna Prohaska, Dresden Chamber Choir, Clemens Heidrich, Felix Rumpf, Yorck Felix Speer, Tobias Mathger
35. Air. "A Serpent in my Bosom warm'd"
36. Recitative. "Has he escap'd my Rage?"
Hans-Christoph Rademann, Yorck Felix Speer, Dresdner Barockorchester, Anna Prohaska, Dresden Chamber Choir, Tobias Mathger, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Ditte Andersen, Maximilian Schmitt, Philipp Kaven, Clemens Heidrich, Felix Rumpf, Tim Mead, Eric Stoklossa
38. Accompagnato. "O Filial Piety!"
39. Air. "No, no cruel Father, no"
40. Air. "O Lord, whose Providence Ever wakes for their Defence"
Eric Stokloßa, Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann
41. Chorus. "Preserve him for the Glory of thy Name"
42. Chorus. "Envy! Eldestborn of Hell!"
Dresdner Kammerchor, Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Dresden Chamber Choir
43. Recitative. "Ah! dearest Friend"
44. Air. "But sooner Jordan's Stream, I swear"
45. Recitative. "O strange Vicissitude!"
47. Recitative. "My Father comes"
Maximilian Schmitt, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Dresdner Barockorchester, Philipp Kaven, Anna Prohaska, Ditte Andersen, Yorck Felix Speer, Dresden Chamber Choir, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Felix Rumpf, Tim Mead, Clemens Heidrich, Eric Stoklossa, Tobias Mathger
48. Recitative. "Hast thou obey'd my Orders"
49. Air. "Sin not, o King, against the Youth"
50. Air. "As great Jehovah lives"
51. Air. "From Cities storm'd, and Battles won"
52. Recitative. "Appear, my Friend"
Yes, he shall wed my daughter!
Hans-Christoph Rademann, Yorck Felix Speer, Dresdner Barockorchester, Dresden Chamber Choir, Eric Stoklossa, Ditte Andersen, Tobias Mathger, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Tim Mead, Maximilian Schmitt, Anna Prohaska, Philipp Kaven, Felix Rumpf, Clemens Heidrich
56. Duet. "O Fairest of ten thousand Fair"
59. Recitative. "Thy Father is as cruel"
60. Duet. "At Persecution I can laugh"
61. Recitative. "Whom dost thou seek?"
62. Air. "No, no, let the Guilty tremble"
66. Accompagnat. "The Time at length is come"
67. Recitative. "Where is the Son of Jesse"
68. Chorus. "O fatal Consequence of Rage"
69. Accompagnato. "Wretch that I am"
70. Accompagnato. "'Tis said, here lives a Woman"
71. Recitative. "With me what would'st thou?"
Eric Stokloßa, Yorck Felix Speer, Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann
73. Accompagnato. "Why hast thou forc'd me from the Realms of Peace"
Yorck Felix Speer, Clemens Heidrich, Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann
76. Air. "Impious Wretch, of Race accurst"
79. Air. "O let it not in Gath be heard"
Hans-Christoph Rademann, Eric Stokloßa, Dresdner Barockorchester
81. Air. "Brave Jonathan his Bow ne'er drew"
82. Chorus. "Eagles were not so swift as they"
Dresdner Kammerchor, Dresdner Barockorchester, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Philipp Kaven, Maximilian Schmitt, Eric Stoklossa, Clemens Heidrich, Tim Mead, Dresden Chamber Choir, Ditte Andersen, Yorck Felix Speer, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Anna Prohaska, Felix Rumpf, Tobias Mathger
85. Recitative. "Ye Men of Judah, weep no more"
Eric Stokloßa, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Dresdner Barockorchester, Anna Prohaska, Tobias Mathger, Dresden Chamber Choir, Dresden Baroque Orchestra, Ditte Andersen, Yorck Felix Speer, Philipp Kaven, Tim Mead, Clemens Heidrich, Maximilian Schmitt, Felix Rumpf
86. Chorus. "Gird on thy Sword"