L. Ronchetti
Le Palais Du Silence (2013) - Drammaturgia After Claude Debussy for Ensemble
Helicopters and Butterflies (2012) - Solo for an Operatic Percussionist Based on "The Gambler" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Christian Dierstein
Forward and Downward, Turning Neither to the Left nor to the Right, for Solo Cello (2017) - Action Concert Piece After Plutarch and Kàroly Kerényi for Solo Cellist, New Version Arranged by Michele Marco Rossi
Michele Marco Rossi
Lacus Timoris (2015) - Drammaturgia for Solo Timpani
Christian Dierstein
Rumori da Monumenti (2015) - A Study of Johannesburg for Recorded Voice and Chamber Orchestra [New Version], Text by Ivan Vladislavic [Based on Fragments from "Portrait with Keys"]
Orchestra della Toscana, Luca Pfaff, Lucia Ronchetti