III. Charivari (pour Henri Sauguet, au tombeau de Monsieur le Pauvre)
No. 2, Exempel der pyrofilie [an example of pyromanie]
No. 3, Die zeit der fliegenden fische [the age of the flying fish]
No. 4, Eine laus im uhrgehause [a louse in the watch case]
No. 6, Wer in die holle kommt [he who lands in hell]
No. 7, Der graf mit dem einglas [the count with the eyeglass]
No. 10, Wenn du in den prater kommst [If you're going to prater fair]
No. 13, Fenster ins freie [the window into the open]
Perpetuum mobile, Op. 257, "Musikalischer Scherz" ["Musical Joke"]
- Florian RosensteinrProducer
- Johannes NeubertExecutive Producer
- Robert SuffExecutive Producer
- Anton ReiningerEngineer
- Christian GortzEditing Engineer
- Elmar PeineltEditing Engineer
- HK GruberLiner Notes
- Andrew BarnettGraphic Design
- Rainer LepuschitzLiner Notes
- Christoph BecherLiner Notes
- Wolfgang SimlingerPhotography
- Bernd NoellePhotography