Recitative - and They Came to a Place...
Roderick Williams, Organ Buildford Camerata, Barry Rose, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Peter Auty
Aria With Chorus - Could Ye Not Watch With Me... - Recitative - and They Laid Their Hands On Him...
Barry Rose, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Roderick Williams, Rowland Sidwell, Organ Buildford Camerata, Peter Auty
Chorus - Processional to Calvary...
Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Roderick Williams, Peter Auty, Barry Rose, Organ Buildford Camerata
Recitative - and When They Were Come To
Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Peter Auty, Organ Buildford Camerata, Barry Rose, Roderick Williams
Hymn - CrossoOf Jesus, Cross of Sorrow
Barry Rose, Peter Auty, Roderick Williams, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Organ Buildford Camerata
Recitative - He Made Himself of No Reputation
Peter Auty, Barry Rose, Organ Buildford Camerata, Roderick Williams, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra
Aria - King Ever Glorious
Barry Rose, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Organ Buildford Camerata, Roderick Williams, Peter Auty
Recitative - and As Moses Lifted Up the Serpent
Organ Buildford Camerata, Peter Auty, Barry Rose, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Roderick Williams
Unacompanied Chorus - God So Loved the World
Barry Rose, Roderick Williams, Organ Buildford Camerata, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Peter Auty
Hymn - Holy Jesu, By Thy Passion
Peter Auty, Roderick Williams, Barry Rose, Organ Buildford Camerata, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra
Recitative and Men's Chorus - Jesus Said "Father Forgive Them"
Peter Auty, Roderick Williams, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Organ Buildford Camerata, Barry Rose
Duet - So Thou Liftest Thy Divine Petition
Peter Auty, Roderick Williams, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Organ Buildford Camerata, Barry Rose
Hymn - Jesus, the Crucified, Pleads for Me
Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Organ Buildford Camerata, Roderick Williams, Barry Rose, Peter Auty
Recitative and Men's Chorus - and One of the Malefactors
Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Simon Deller, Barry Rose, Peter Auty, Organ Buildford Camerata, David Hadden, Roderick Williams
Hymn - I Adore Thee
Roderick Williams, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Barry Rose, Peter Auty, Organ Buildford Camerata
Recitative and Men's Chorus - When Jesus Therefore Saw His Mother
Peter Auty, Barry Rose, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Organ Buildford Camerata, Roderick Williams
Recitative - Is It Nothing to You?
Organ Buildford Camerata, Roderick Williams, Peter Auty, Barry Rose, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra
Chorus - from the Throne of His Cross
Roderick Williams, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Organ Buildford Camerata, Peter Auty, Barry Rose
Recitative and Men's Chorus - After This, Jesus Knowing...
Peter Auty, Organ Buildford Camerata, Roderick Williams, Barry Rose, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra
Hymn - All for Jesus
Roderick Williams, Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, Barry Rose, Organ Buildford Camerata, Peter Auty