Introduction (Elijah): As God the Lord of Israel liveth
Allan Clayton, Alan Gilbert, Benjamin P. Wenzelberg, Joseph Flummerfelt, New York Philharmonic, Gerald Finley, Jennifer Johnston, Alice Coote, Twyla Robinson, New York Choral Artists
Twyla Robinson, Benjamin P. Wenzelberg, Joseph Flummerfelt, New York Philharmonic, Alice Coote, New York Choral Artists, Allan Clayton, Jennifer Johnston, Alan Gilbert, Gerald Finley
Chorus (The People): Help, Lord! Wilt Thou quite destroy us?
Alice Coote, Benjamin P. Wenzelberg, Joseph Flummerfelt, Twyla Robinson, New York Philharmonic, Jennifer Johnston, Allan Clayton, New York Choral Artists, Gerald Finley, Alan Gilbert
Duet and Chorus (The People, Two Women): Lord, bow Thine ear to our prayer!
Jennifer Johnston, Alice Coote, Allan Clayton, New York Choral Artists, Twyla Robinson, Gerald Finley, New York Philharmonic, Benjamin P. Wenzelberg, Joseph Flummerfelt, Alan Gilbert