I. Antiphon: "Kyrie eleison"
III. Responsory: "Alleluia"
I. Prefatory Prayers
II. Thrice – Triple Canon: Dominus vobiscum
II. Prayer for the Congregation
III. Trope: “Easy”
II. Gloria in excelsis
III. Trope: "Half of the People"
IV. Trope: “Thank You”
I. Credo in unum Deum
II. Trope: "Non Credo"
III. Trope: "Hurry"
IV. World Without End
V. Trope: “I Believe in God”
De profundis, Pt. 1
De profundis, Pt. 2
"Holy! Holy! Holy!..."
Mass XV. Agnus Dei
Communion: “Secret Songs”