Introduction: As God the Lord of Israel Liveth
Chorus: Help, Lord!
Paul McCreesh, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, North East Youth Chorale, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Taplow Youth Choir, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Gabrieli Consort & Players, William Whitehead
Duet With Chorus: Lord, Bow Thine Ear to Our Prayer!
Gabrieli Consort & Players, Taplow Youth Choir, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Dame Sarah Connolly, North East Youth Chorale, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Paul McCreesh, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Rosemary Joshua
Recitative: Elijah! Get Thee Hence, Elijah
Double Quartet: For He Shall Give His Angels
Susan Gilmour Bailey, Ruth Gibbins, Richard Rowntree, Robert Davies, William Gaunt, Paul McCreesh, Samuel Boden, Lucy Ballard, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Emily Rowley Jones
Recitative: Now Cherith's Brook Is Dried Up
Duet: What Have I to Do With Thee
Chorus: Blessed Are the Men Who Fear Him
Taplow Youth Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, North East Youth Chorale, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, William Whitehead
Recitative & Chorus: As God the Lord of Saboath liveth
Gabrieli Consort & Players, Taplow Youth Choir, Paul McCreesh, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, William Whitehead, North East Youth Chorale, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Simon Keenlyside, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Robert Murray
Chorus: Baal, We Cry to Thee
Gabrieli Consort & Players, North East Youth Chorale, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Taplow Youth Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Paul McCreesh, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir
Recitative & Chorus: Call Him Louder, for He Is a God!
Paul McCreesh, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Simon Keenlyside, Taplow Youth Choir, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, North East Youth Chorale, Gabrieli Consort & Players
Recitative & Chorus: Call Him Louder! He Heareth Not
Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Taplow Youth Choir, North East Youth Chorale, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Simon Keenlyside
Quartet: Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord
Gabrieli Consort & Players, William Gaunt, Paul McCreesh, William Whitehead, Ruth Gibbins, Richard Rowntree, Emily Rowley Jones
Recitative & Chorus: O Thou, Who Makest
North East Youth Chorale, William Whitehead, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Taplow Youth Choir, Paul McCreesh, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Simon Keenlyside
Aria: Woe Unto Them That Forsake Him!
Recitative & Chorus: O Man of God, Help Thy People!
Gabrieli Consort & Players, Taplow Youth Choir, Jonty Ward, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Simon Keenlyside, William Whitehead, Paul McCreesh, Robert Murray, North East Youth Chorale
Chorus: Thanks Be to God!
William Whitehead, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Paul McCreesh, North East Youth Chorale, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Taplow Youth Choir
Chorus: Be Not Afraid, Saith God the Lord
Taplow Youth Choir, North East Youth Chorale, William Whitehead, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Paul McCreesh
Recitative & Chorus: The Lord Hath Exalted Thee
Chorus: Woe to Him, He Shall Perish
Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Gabrieli Consort & Players, William Whitehead, Taplow Youth Choir, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, North East Youth Chorale, Paul McCreesh
Trio: Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains
Lucy Ballard, Emily Rowley Jones, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Ruth Gibbins
Chorus: He, Watching Over Israel
Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, North East Youth Chorale, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Taplow Youth Choir, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir
Recitative: Arise, Elijah
Chorus: He That Shall Endure to the End
North East Youth Chorale, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, William Whitehead, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Taplow Youth Choir
Recitative: Night Falleth Round Me, O Lord!
Chorus: Behold, God the Lord Passed By
Paul McCreesh, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Taplow Youth Choir, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, William Whitehead, North East Youth Chorale
Recitative: Above Him Stood the Seraphim
Quartet & Chorus: Holy, Holy, Holy Is God the Lord
Taplow Youth Choir, Lucy Ballard, North East Youth Chorale, William Whitehead, Ruth Gibbins, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Emily Rowley Jones, Samuel Boden
Chorus & Recitative: Go, Return Upon Thy Way!
Gabrieli Consort & Players, Taplow Youth Choir, William Whitehead, North East Youth Chorale, Chetham's Chamber Choir, Simon Keenlyside, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Paul McCreesh, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir
Chorus: Then Did Elijah the Prophet Break Forth
Paul McCreesh, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Taplow Youth Choir, North East Youth Chorale, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, William Whitehead, Gabrieli Consort & Players
Chorus: But the Lord, from the North
Gabrieli Consort & Players, Taplow Youth Choir, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, Paul McCreesh, North East Youth Chorale, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Chetham's Chamber Choir, William Whitehead
Quartet: O Come Everyone That Thirsteth
Chorus: The Shall Your Light Shine Forth
Paul McCreesh, North East Youth Chorale, Taplow Youth Choir, Ulster Youth Chamber Choir, William Whitehead, Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Chetham's Chamber Choir