Roland Wilson
Cornetist Roland Wilson has spent most of his career in Germany, where he leads his own extremely durable group, Musica Fiata. Wilson founded Musica Fiata in 1976 and quickly found recording opportunities with choirs attempting to perform German Baroque music with historically accurate instrumentation. In 1992, Wilson founded a choir of his own, La Capella Ducale. In 2018, Wilson led Musica Fiata and La Capella Ducale in a recording of the Johannes Passion, long thought to be by Handel but now attributed to Georg Böhm. In 2022, he led Musica Fiata and La Capella Ducale in a recording of Heinrich Schütz's reconstructed opera Dafne. By that time, his recording catalog comprised more than 30 items. Wilson has also been active as an instrument builder and has done substantial research on performance practice and early wind instrument construction.