Alexander Melnikov
Born in Russia in 1973, Alexander Melnikov is a pianist of enormous intelligence and versatility. His studies at the Moscow Conservatory with Lev Naumov established a formidable technical foundation, to which he has since allied a vivid imagination and acute responsiveness to a range of musical styles. He is especially noted for his championing of 20th-century Russian music, including Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Prokofiev and Shostakovich. He has also pursued a long-held interest in period-performance practice and historical instruments, acknowledging the influence of Andreas Staier and Alexei Lubimov. Perhaps the finest illustration of this passion is his 2018 album, Four Pianos, Four Pieces, where he plays highly virtuosic works by Schubert (Wanderer Fantasy, 1822), Chopin (Études, Op. 10, 1832), Liszt (Réminiscences de Don Juan, 1841) and Stravinsky (Three Movements from Petrushka, 1921) on pianos that would have been broadly familiar to each composer. In addition, his collaborations with the violinist Isabelle Faust and cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras have yielded a plethora of exceptional recordings.