Ballaké Sissoko
One of the modern-day masters of his instrument, Ballaké Sissoko is a Malian kora player known for his instrumental innovation and numerous collaborations outside of West African music. He first rose to international success alongside fellow kora master Toumani Diabaté on the 1999 album New Ancient Strings, then spent the next two decades forging cross-cultural connections with musicians from around the globe. He is a member of the world music trio 3MA and has made several albums with his frequent creative partner, classical cellist Vincent Ségal, including 2015's enchanting Musique de Nuit. 2021's Djourou was another diverse affair that traversed rock, hip-hop, and classical. In 2023, he and Ségal teamed up with Frenchmen Vincent Peirani and Émile Parisien on the subtly dazzling Les Egarés, followed by 2024's Bamako*Chicago Sound System with Nicole Mitchell.